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Enterprise Project Management In Volatile Economic Times

Editor’s Comments

Here we are already with the second Summer ProjectTimes and, as usual, we have some articles and blogs that we feel sure will give you food for thought and plenty to discuss with colleagues.


  • What is Your Rate? In his monthly blog, Andrew Miller is concerned that a PM’s hourly rates are viewed as being more important than skills and ability and he’s worried that this focus will affect project outcomes.
  • The Right Amount of Documentation in our Projects. Our other blogger, Mike Lecky, discusses the balance between properly documenting activities of the project and delivering on time, on budget, and on scope.
  • Project Management is Free! Wayne Brantley takes a whimsical look at projects. Then he does the math and, taking everything into account, maybe the idea isn’t quite as whimsical as it at first seems.
  • EPM in a Foreclosure Economy. Chris Vandersluis muses about how the project management industry responds in a recession vs. a boom economy. He’s been through a few booms and busts and he considers the outcomes in this issue
  • An Examination of BA and PM Skills Profiles. In this article we continue with Bob Wysocki’s thoughtful series about the roles of the PM and BA and how they interlink. These articles first appeared in BusinessAnalystTimes.

We hope you enjoy this new batch of articles and blogs, and that you’ll also take time to listen in to some of our podcasts. As always, please give us your input so we can do better in the future.

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