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Austin, TX – Journyx, a leading provider of Web-based time-tracking and project accounting solutions has partnered with Cognitive Technologies, an IT consulting company specializing in project and program management for the federal government and Fortune 1000 companies. In the near future, Journyx and Cognitive Technologies will announce a resource management solution that enables Project Management Offices (PMOs) to manage hundreds of projects and people successfully, and can be rolled out and fully functional in just a few weeks.

 “Together, Journyx and Cognitive Technologies combine practical and pragmatic application of resource management best practices,”  said Bruce McGraw, CEO, Cognitive Technologies. “This combination of technology and services will integrate people, time and scheduling, allowing for more efficient conversations and decision-making. We’re offering a solution that takes away the daily burden of manual resource balancing, and alleviates bartering for the right person at the right time.”

 The partnership of Journyx and Cognitive Technologies means that PMOs will not just get a solution, but will learn the best practices for project management from experts in the field. Additionally, PMOs will learn how to make the solution work as best as it possibly can for their organization.

“The new solution will unite project and process planning with resource workload management, track execution, and alert you instantly when projects are in danger,” said Curt Finch, CEO, Journyx. “Journyx has more than a decade of experience solving difficult project time data collection problems for Fortune 500 firms. Cognitive provides excellent project management consultants who are the best in the world at rescuing projects from the abyss. We are integrating the talents of our companies and offering a combination of technology and services that enable PMOs to manage all of their projects and people successfully.”

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