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Myths, Mistakes and Assumptions

Editor’s Comments

“Don’t assume” is advice that, over the years, has been handed out by those who have “been there” to those who haven’t yet been there. It’s advice well worth considering because many of these assumptions turn into traps. In Unquestioned Assumptions: Costly Mistakes, Don Wessels discusses how assumptions, often mistaken as standard business practices, go unquestioned during project manager selection, often with very negative consequences.

Regular contributor, Chris Vandersluis, revisits a subject he’s talked about here a number of times in the past. He says they have become a fact of life for senior management and, in Dashboarding Redux, he takes a look at the different types of dashboards available and how they can provide an onscreen view of key performance indicators, with your choice of how and what to display. But, he says, beware of possible pitfalls.

Blogger Andrew Miller, questions the need for budgeting in running a project, but acknowledges that budgets are important as long as their sensibly set and approved. Mike Lecky weighs in with some thoughts on the ongoing discussion about the PMO.

If you’re reading this during ProjectWorld in Toronto, we hope you’re finding your visit rewarding and that you’ll drop by our booth to say hello. Wherever you are, we hope you find this a thought-provoking issue of Project Times and that you’ll share your thoughts with us.

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