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Tag: Methodologies

Increase the Perceived Benefits of Project Management Methodologies

FeatureArticle Jan9 BondaleA PMI survey conducted a few years back supported the premise that companies which have instituted consistent project management practices enjoy a higher project success rate than those which have not. PMI’s March 2012 Pulse of the Profession publication stated that in organizations which used standardized project management practices, 71% of projects met their original goals and business intent which is higher than the norm.

These two statements would seem to support the merits of implementing a project management methodology (PMM). However, the December 2012 issue of PMI’s Project Management Journal includes an article which challenges this conventional wisdom. This article covers the results of a qualitative-based research study to assess the effectiveness of project management methodologies through a series of four case studies.

The research revealed that key benefits identified by instituting PMMs were supporting senior management in their drive to control, monitor, standardize and unify practices as well to help staff with lower levels of project management knowledge or experience. Unfortunately, minimal benefits were perceived by the group which you would expect would benefit the most from PMMs, namely, project managers!

Although somewhat counter-intuitive, these findings align well with my own observations of how successful organizations I’ve worked with have been at improving their project management capabilities.
PMM compliance tends to be strongest with junior practitioners as they find that PMMs act as a guide to give them structure and confidence to lean on in place of tried-and-true experience. Senior management also support the use of PMMs to the extent that compliance with a PMM increases the predictability and consistency of status reporting and governance practices.

On the other hand, experienced project managers don’t recognize the benefits to themselves as they will likely have worked with multiple PMMs over their careers and would have honed a set of practices which work best for them – in other words, they have developed their own customized PMMs.

Occasionally, there might be breakthroughs – for example, seasoned project managers who have never benefited from a fully automated project management information system might appreciate the reduction in project administration effort provided by these tools. However, even when using such solutions, flexibility or creativity constraints will exist which generate frustration for senior practitioners.

Just as a person can be spiritual without observing all or even some of the practices of a particular religion, competency at project management is not an effect of compliance with methodologies. In fact, some project managers I have observed as being totally compliant with their organization’s PMM regularly demonstrated poor judgment in the management of their projects.

The Guide to the PMBOK (Fourth Edition) states “Good practice does not mean the knowledge described should always be applied uniformly to all projects; the organization and/or project management team is responsible for determining what is appropriate for any given project.” This may also be a key reason why agile methods continue to gain new disciples – a key tenet of agile is empowering self-managing teams to define the best methods of managing their work efforts.

So what can you do to increase the perceived value of your PMM in the eyes of your senior practitioners?

Start by classifying the practices within it into the following three categories:

  1. Mandatory practices for which compliance to a standard is essential
  2. Mandatory practices for which compliance to a standard is nice to have
  3. Optional practices

An example of a practice from the first category is creating and maintaining project schedules which adhere to a set of guidelines to enable the ability to report on a project portfolio as a whole. If project managers do not follow these guidelines, it becomes impossible to support enterprise resource management or to visualize cross-project impacts.

An example within the second category is storing the current versions of key project documents within a common folder structure in an online document repository. While it is convenient to store documents across projects using a consistent folder structure, this is a “nice to have” so long as team members and stakeholders are able to locate documents for a particular project.

Lean Six Sigma practitioners might consider the third category as “waste” as these practices are unlikely to be followed by all but the most compliant project managers.

The benefit of this categorization is it allows you to focus compliance efforts where it is crucial, but provide flexibility for all other instances. While project managers might like full “artistic” freedom, most will understand the benefits of consistency where it matters. Go one better by engaging them in the development or refinement of the must-have practices. Finally, kick it up a notch by establishing practices to address some of the pain points experienced by more seasoned project managers and you may successfully turn your former Luddites into advocates!

As Peter Senge said “We all know the difference in ourselves between doing what we’re here to do versus doing what someone said we ought to do. That’s the difference between aspiration and compliance.”

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Let’s End the Debate Over Scrum Master versus Project Manager

FEATUREOct3rdOver the past several years, there has been much debate and confusion over the role of a project manager as the majority of organizations undergo Agile transformations. In fact, industry data suggests that approximately 53% of organizations are blending Agile methods with Waterfall.[1] 

The result of this seismic change has been that project managers have left organizations; PMO’s have been dissolved, – all because of the introduction of Agile development methodologies. And project managers are not alone. The introduction of Agile has also significantly impacted the product manager role as well; as organizations concurrently struggle to make sense of the product owner role.

I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve read and LinkedIn postings I’ve seen on these subjects. The best material recognizes that a project manager is NOT a Scrum Master and vice versa. And although the description of the Scrum Master role is usually pretty clear in these discussions, nobody has done a really good job of explaining how the two roles (Scrum Master and Project Manager) co-exist or how this role confusion started in the first place.

To be honest, I really never understood the debate. I started executing projects back in 2001 using XP (Extreme Programming) and I never had any issues with team members regarding role confusion during project execution. Agile wasn’t evil – Agile worked. Well, fast forward to 2012 and the debate continues to rage on. I finally got sick of watching the continuous debate and decided to take action. I took the classes, passed the test, and became a Certified Scrum Master. And after all that money and time spent, I can honestly say with certainty, I’m not a scrum master – I AM a project manager! 

Fundamentally, I think the root cause of the debate is not based on scrum master versus project manager responsibilities but based on our fundamental definition of a project. In the Agile world of minimum marketable features (MMF’s), product backlogs, and continuous integration, the lines of the traditional project have now been blurred. I find that the Scrum team has no issues with their responsibilities back to the product owner and scrum master, but for some reason, the entire project team doesn’t feel accountable to the project manager.

My goal in writing this article is to end the confusion and the debate once and for all. To do that, I need to remind you of what a project manager is and how the two roles should co-exist. Let me get some quick definitions on the table to help structure our conversation:

The Scrum Master – The Scrum Master focuses on the development process and mentors the Scrum team. The key responsibilities of the scrum master are:

  • Maintains and removes impediments
  • Manages the Scrum process, making the process work
  • Plans the release
  • Plans the Sprints
  • Shields the team from external interfaces
  • Facilitates Scrum meetings as requested
  • Ensures crystal clear communication among everyone involved in the project

A Scrum Master is usually the team leader. A Scrum Master should ideally have a good balance of the following skills:

  • Technical expertise
  • Understands the Product Owner’s Intent
  • A good team player and mentor
  • Understands the teams capabilities
  • A good motivator
  • Problem solver

Now let’s take a closer look at the program and project management roles and responsibilities by defining a project and a program…

Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. At most organizations, the boundaries of our “temporary endeavors” are defined through our business cases.

Program: A series of related projects designed to achieve a specific outcome(s).

To state it concisely, the role of the project manager is to manage all (Ideation to post-Launch Support) aspects of the project to achieve the expected outcomes identified within the established business case (investment) – not just the Scrum Team. The size, scope, and complexity of the business case will determine the size of the project. Achieving outcomes called out in the investment may take a series of related projects – called a program. At which point, the program manager is now accountable for managing all aspects of the program, with project managers and other accountable resources managing their smaller project portions.

Right now, there are three, possibly four basic categories of “temporary”:

    1. Product line execution – Temporary relative to a 1 year planning cycle. Basically covering minor incremental enhancements to an already existing product line.
    2. Big custom projects / new product development
    3. Within the product line – Specific temporary initiative/projects. For example, a SQL server upgrade.
    4. Cross organization initiatives – Examples that come to mind are rebranding, ICD-10 (healthcare), data center migrations, etc.

These projects / temporary endeavors at most organizations typically look like this:


And it looks like this…

And it looks like this…


If this is a project, then the project manager needs to be the one accountable person responsible for managing all of this work (or for understanding and managing HOW we’re going to get the answers to the questions above in each circle) – They are not responsible for answering the questions!

To put it simply – the project manager is responsible for managing all the boxes together to achieve the desired outcome. They may or may not be responsible for managing the individual boxes. Individual box responsibility is typically done by the subject matter experts.

As you can see, Agile development and the Scrum team are only one box!

Specifically, the project manager is responsible for:

  • Understanding the intended outcomes of the project and ensuring the outcomes are realistic and measurable. They need to understand the outcomes expected from the business case!
  • Collaborating with the team to define the scope of work (e.g. under each colored box above, what’s in it, what is the expected outcome), who is responsible for delivering it, and when will it be delivered. Specifically:
    • Deliverables required to complete all the project work
    • Cross-functional resource assignments
    • Estimates to complete the work and dependencies between work items
  • Understanding the point person from each functional team(s) associated to the work (each colored box) and how they have been allocated for managing their work. If allocation bandwidth issues exist, this person would be responsible for facilitation and ultimate resolution of the resourcing issue.
  • The job of the project manager is to remove ambiguity in roles and responsibilities by clearly mapping out activities against expected outcomes relative to time. Identifying the interdependencies between deliverables and functional teams up front will better determine what teams should be more integrated and when, relative to the overall product development process. 

Important note: if the scope of work is large enough, another project manager/person may be assigned to specific items (smaller box). The relationship would be a dotted line from this other person to the project manager.

Said another way, if each one of the smaller boxes above is large enough in scope to be considered its own project, then the program would consist of several related smaller projects rolled up underneath the program.

    • E.g. Hardware or software procurement, installation, and configuration – Application Operation Project Manager
    • E.g. Agile product development – Product owner/scrum master
  • Understanding the process and tools required to manage the scope of work relative to the outcomes identified in the business case. Understanding the metrics and the process for achieving those metrics/goals.
    • If an identified metric is that the project be completed within a certain capital budget, then the project manager is responsible for understanding the tools and processes required to forecast and track the work. They are NOT responsible for creating or establishing those processes – unless of course that creation has been identified as another project!
  • Project managers are responsible for the overall communication regarding the project (not just the development portion of the product). They’re the primary single authoritative source of information to ensure a shared understanding of all parameters:
    • Scope
    • Cost management
    • Timing
    • Assumptions / constraints
    • Risks / issues
    • Resources
    • Quality
    • Special considerations / exceptions
    • Development methodology considerations
    • Team members and associated roles and responsibilities
    • Policies and procedures

So, if you agree with all of the above, is there really a debate between the two roles?

There’s no way, going through Scrum Master training that I could be responsible for all the responsibilities of a project manager. It’s just not fathomable and would lead to ultimate project failure. To set the record straight, project manager is NOT synonymous with Scrum Master. A Scrum Master is critical to the facilitation and execution of the Scrum team. But they’re not responsible for all the components of a product development project. If anything, a Scrum master should be a dotted line to a project manager as part of the reporting structure. 

However, for all these relationships to work together, we also need to know what the responsibilities are of the team back to the project manager.

Essentially, the project manager has to know just about everything that’s going on during the course of a project in order to determine if the right action and the necessary progress is being made against the tasks and deliverables. It’s unrealistic for every meeting and every action to be in the project manager’s schedule. However, they still need to know what meetings are occurring and when communication and decisions are expected in order to ensure the team is working effectively and efficiently relative to the agreed upon scope and success criteria of the project.

This relationship between the project manager and the team is not meant to be based on command and control, but rather based on trust and optimizing collaboration. If the project manager has any chance in managing these responsibilities while not having authority over most, if not all, of the team resources, then they need to rely on those team leads for basic and fundamental information. The following are the characteristics of the entire product team including the project manager:

  • Openness regarding truthful task and deliverable progress
  • Frequent and constant communication
  • Commitment to achieving the success criteria
  • Courage to tell the truth
  • Respect for each other

Borrowing the page of Scrum team responsibilities to the product owner and scrum master, I’ve tailored the responsibilities so that they reflect the entire project team relative to the project manager:

  • Communication regarding the prioritization (and change) of requirements, MMF’s, sprint backlog items, and tasks
  • Commitments to results based on agreed upon milestones
  • Communication of estimates of effort to implement User Stories and tasks to complete all project deliverables
  • Communication of dependencies between tasks and team members
  • Identification of obstacles and informing the project manager when those obstacles may occur and when they have occurred.
  • Self-organizing – Individual teams within a project have to be self-organizing and can’t rely on a command and control style project manager. However, self organizing means informing the project manager on how the team is self- organized and how they intend to complete the work. Project manager’s need to have context for any of this to make sense.
  • The team has the right to do everything within the project guidelines boundaries to achieve the project goals.

In the product development world, project managers, more than ever, are critical in the successful execution and delivery of projects/products to market. Role clarity and collaboration is essential. The project manager and the scrum master are meant to work collaboratively with each other not against each other. If we can get our definition of a project correct and we can enforce the responsibilities of the team back to the project manager, then I can say confidently “Project managers, there is no need to worry about job security. You’re still a valuable member to your organization. If anything, your job just got easier by the introduction of the scrum master and product owner roles.”  Happy delivery!

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

[1] The Study of Product Team Performance, 2012, Actuation Consulting LLC and Enterprise Agility Inc. 

The Agile Project Manager: Agile Basic Training-What is an Acceptable Level?

FEATUREAug8thThe agile methods are deceptively simple and common sense oriented. In many ways, that’s one of their great strengths, but its also one of their fundamental weaknesses. I see so many teams convinced that they can “go Agile” just by reading a book or an article and then diving in and “sprinting” towards successful software delivery. The logic goes that agile is simple common sense practices, self-directed, and intuitive—so of course it will be simple to pick up and execute.

I typically categorize these teams as “bad agile” teams in that they adopt a small, superficial, and somewhat trivial set of the core agile practices and then think they’re agile. In almost every case they don’t understand the agile mindset nor how the core principles and practices complement one another to foster improvement. They’re “doing Agile”, but they’re not “being Agile”.

Ken Schwaber coined the term ScrumBut to capture this common anti-pattern, as in—“We’re doing Scrum, but…”. And Ken was solely focused on Scrum in coining the term. I’ve also found the Extreme Programming practices to be a wonderful complementary set of agile practices and they’re often left out of the conversation as well.

One of the core drivers for this is that teams don’t receive sufficient agile training from the right level of experienced coaches and trainers. So, yes, you can pin some of the blame on the teams themselves. But I think some of the assumptions we’ve set in the agile community are also to blame.
In this post I want to explore what sorts of training are sufficient to get agile teams up and going. In this case, I’ll be using Scrum as the baseline methodology for the discussion. But you could essentially replace Scrum with Extreme Programming, Kanban, or any other agile methodology. I think the points generally remain the same.

Before we go after training in general, I want to explore certifications—most of which have a strong training component as part of their adoption.

Agile “Spaghetti” Certification Choices

There are essentially seven certifying bodies at the moment with respect to agile—sort of a spaghetti like set of choices to make. In a nutshell, they include:

  1. Scrum Alliance: the venerable institution that certifies Scrum Masters (CSM, CSP) Product Owners (CSPO), Coaches (CSC) and Certification Trainers (CST). There is some movement towards individual team member qualification as a Certified Developer (CSD), which focuses on hands-on development practices. When I sampled the website for this post, there were over 130,000 Certified Scrum Masters, over 130 Certified Scrum Trainers, and over 40 Certified Scrum Coaches. Clearly the Scrum Alliance is still the leading certification body in this space.
  1. this is Ken Schwaber’s group that is a historical spin-off from the Scrum Alliance. He started it after breaking with the Alliance Board. Aligned with the Scrum Guide, he’s established a 2-tier certification for the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. also has a very strong offering targeted at the developer or practitioner. This is more or less a direct competitor to the Scrum Alliance (CSD) and may be a stronger offering than it is. Arguably, focuses more on assessments and practitioner-level skills. It’s also clearly not as widely known as the Scrum Alliance.
  1. Net Objectives: has been focusing on more enterprise level and lean agile training for quite some time. They also offer certifications as part of their training offering, two examples being Agile Project Manager and Product Owner. It’s more of a niche certification, although they’re very well respected in the Lean, Kanban, and Enterprise Agile spaces.
  1. ICAgile: is more of a generic Agile BOK (Body of Knowledge) certification authority. They provide sensible “outlines” for what good courseware should cover in specific areas of agile AND they “certify” materials and provide certification management mechanisms. So they don’t provide a certification per se, they provide some trainer material consistency & transparency assurances. A promising part of ICAgile is the breadth of their purview—virtually covering all areas of agile practices and not simply Scrum Master or Product Owner roles. Definitely a WIP though…
  1. Dean Leffingwell – SAFe: has begun to dominate the enterprise / scaling agile space and is offering a certification around his scaling framework. He calls it a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and is offering various levels of certification for its implementation. He is delivering the certification via his Scaled Agile Academy. To be fair, this is a brand new initiative and, even though Dean is well-respected, it’s not clear we need this certification in the market.
  1. CAT – Certified Agile Tester: mostly a European-centric certification, this is the only tester focused certification out there. If you review the website, there aren’t too many certified testers yet, perhaps +/- 200, so I’d consider this a beta and experiment at the moment. The primary customer seems to be European at the moment—probably because of the intense general certification interest there.
  1. PMI-ACP: finally, the very venerable PMI has entered the fray with the Agile Certified Practitioner or PMI-ACP certification. After running a beta test in late 2011, there were over 2000 certified practitioners as I write this post in May 2012. Beyond the certification, there is a Community of Practice and the PMI seems to have embraced the notion of agile. The guidelines for certification are quite loose at the moment—being driven mostly by a “reading list”. PMI has yet to develop an “Agile BOK – Body of Knowledge” upon which to more fairly base the certification.
  1. IIBA: while not directly certifying BA’s from an agile perspective, the IIBA has defined an Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide. It’s a collaborative effort between the IIBA and the Agile Alliance to establish a baseline definition. Between ICAgile and IIBA, you probably get the best BOK-related references. It’s currently unclear how they’ll be leveraging it in their certification program(s).

I think the fact that there are so many certifications and how quickly they’ve grown from the Scrum Alliance is a testament to the popularity and pervasiveness of the agile methods. However, I can’t help but think that the sheer number of options dilutes the value from a certification-holder perspective and from a prospective employer perspective. How in the world do you select a path through this mass of spaghetti?

The other problem is that all of them place a focus on prescriptive knowledge acquisition (reading & memorization) and traditional testing. Very few of them emphasize real-world experience and verify that with more serious examination and proof. The Scrum Alliance CSC attempts to set a very high bar for entry and the numbers bear that out. But very few of the other certifications attempt to do that.

Most often the recipe is study a set of materials, then take & pass a requisite test. Then you have the credential. In a methodology that places so much on inspect & adapt hands-on experience; this really doesn’t pave the way for practical and situational experience.

My personal preference is that Scrum Masters need real-world experience and that it trumps all of the certifications. I’d much rather hire a person who’s been in an active Scrum Master role for 1-2 years, than someone who’s simply acquired a certification and thinks they can generally map their experience towards the role.

Body of Knowledge(s) and Consistency

The other thing that is somewhat lacking across the certifications is consistency.

For example and to their credit, the PMI and the IIBA both have developed a Body of Knowledge or BOK that is the basis respectively for the PMP and CBAP credentials. The BOK clearly identifies the areas of study and competency that a holder of the credential must achieve in order to receive it.

While you may disagree with what’s in the BOK, it at least provides a consistent baseline for the certification. I believe this is what ICAgile is trying to achieve by reviewing course materials on various agile topics.

Most of the other certifications don’t baseline themselves on a transparently established BOK—so there is widely disparate coverage of the topic based on which instructor / trainer you choose. The CSM is notorious for this, because each CST has their own set of material and covers the topics that they believe most relevant for the certification.

While this is allows wonderful flexibility for the CST, attendees can get very different views. I know of one company that sent employees to two different CSM classes taught by two different trainers because of geographical distribution. When they pulled these folks together on teams, they found that they didn’t have the same understanding of basic Scrum and agile practices. It caused the teams’ tremendous start-up pain and needed additional coaching to get the teams on a level playing field from a core skills perspective.

That wouldn’t have happened with improved consistency amongst CST’s. And I don’t think the burden of discovery should be on the client in these cases.

Even the PMI-ACP doesn’t yet have a BOK. What they do recommend is a “reading list” of 10-12 agile books that serve as the core of the certification. That’s an awful lot of reading and little real-world experience.

So be wary of how each certification quantifies its coverage and look for some semblance of consistency either by basic BOK definitions or partnering with a specific coach or trainer to better understand their philosophies and content delivery.

Basic Training

When I kick-off a Scrum team I have four levels of basic training that I’m trying to instantiate within the organization.

  1. Team-level—training the entire set of teams that will be initiating Scrum in the core methods. Usually this is a short class, 4-8 hours, with several workshops or games that illustrate the core behaviors of agile teams. This gets everyone on a level playing field for the method, roles, terminology, and basic practices.
  2. Product Owner-level—training the selected Product Owners and the entire product organization in the nuance of user stories, Product Backlogs, and Road-map Planning techniques. I’ll usually coach them until they have a well-established backlog for their first release and have a solid tempo of grooming meetings established.
  3. Scrum Master-level—this training can take the form of sending individuals to CSM (or similar) classes, or running an internal class that focuses on the role. I prefer the latter approach and then jump-starting the Scrum Master in operating in their roles. After 3-6+ months if they want to go for a CSM, they can do it from a position of experience.
  4. Organizational Leadership-level—training here focuses on the role shift for managers and executives in moving towards Scrum and agility. Addressing the requisite changes in their roles and how they have to adapt for effective agile adoption. I’ll also review organizational transformation strategies for specific functions, for example: the PMO, or Testing Center of Excellence.

I basically think that a team shouldn’t be “going Agile” without these four levels of basic training in place. They don’t have to be exhaustive, in fact all levels can be delivered in 2-3 days, but the overall balance in understanding they provide is often crucial for an organizations adoption.

Beyond the training, I don’t think you simply “walk away” and let these teams fend for themselves. As we’ll explore next, coaching is also a very responsible thing to do.

Training without Coaching is Irresponsible

As I alluded to earlier, agile training and certifications are IMHO virtually useless without real experience. And that experience isn’t gained without coaching and mentoring.

I’ll use a real story to make the point.

I was working with a team on starting up their adoption of agile. I came in and ran what I’d call an Agile / Scrum 101 session—equivalent to the CSM class. Everyone on the projected teams were “run through” the course as we setup the Scrum teams and Backlogs; preparing to start sprinting.

As a coach, I was given the opportunity to kick-off the first round of sprints. But then something wonderful & terrible happened. The client felt confident and comfortable with their skills—I guess I’d done too good a job of training. So soon after starting, they told me that they felt comfortable on their own and didn’t need any additional coaching.

I tried to convince them that having a coach around in the beginning was a very, very good idea; but they truly felt they had it down and declined. Six to nine months lapsed and I checked in on them a few times via email. The VP of Development kept saying that things were going “swimmingly” and they were truly enjoying agile development and the results.

But somewhere around the nine month mark I received a strange call. Things were “off the rails” at the client and they wanted me to come in and assess what was going on. When I arrived, I quickly agreed with their assessment. You could barely tell that they were applying the principles they’d been taught and there was tremendous distrust between the leadership and the teams—driving a lack of transparency and truth-telling. I was not totally surprised, but I was incredibly disappointed that they hadn’t called me sooner.

We quickly righted the ship and they’ve since become a stable, mature, and continuously improving agile organization. They’ve also agreed that ongoing, periodic coaching is a necessary part of their agile adoption until they gain more experience and sustainability.

That’s one of the key points I wanted to make in this article. The agile methods are deceptively simple and often newbie teams want to go it alone with too little training and little to no initial coaching. In most-all cases I think they’re making a HUGE mistake. Agility is very much of a mentored and experiential approach to software.

You’ll want to engage an experienced coach to help you adopt the methods (doing Agile) but also to internalize the core behavior changes at all tiers in your organization (being Agile) so that you truly gain the benefits of adoption to drive business value across your organization.

Wrapping Up

Solid Agile Project Managers can be a strong influencing point in early stage adoption. You can help the organization plan for training and ongoing coaching. You can encourage your teams to acknowledge their need for help—and you can have the seasoning to ask for it as early as possible.

You’ll realize that having experts around is not a sign of weakness, but truly a sign of strength.

Another area where you can help guide your organization is across the spaghetti confusion from all of the certification options. While training and certifications are an important part of adoption, you can provide the balance to help everyone understand that agile is about “the doing”. So having practical experience and gaining it with effective mentoring is truly a crucial part of your maturity and growth.

Thanks for listening,


In Defense of Project Instability

Doubtlessly, many of us have experienced project(s) that seem to have been the direct opposite of the prescribed organizational and/or well-heeded PMBoK methodology we have been duly trained in.  When describing the project environment of a  relatively recent experience (aka project assignment) I was involved in, it would be more accurate to suggest the project footings were as steady as typing on a tablet while riding a unicycle.  In many respects, designing/architecting (a sort of planning) gave way immediately to execution, and the operational steady state was an interesting afterthought.  The focus of the article  (setting aside the issues of management decision making, project happenstance, and project processes) is to underscore the great lesson learned of how brilliantly people can excel and collaborate in an extraordinary fashion in the absence of commonly accepted documentation and governance practices.  The rarity of this project team interaction points out, for all its process faults, project instability can lead to successful projects.
Adaptability is one of the Emotional Intelligence (EI) competencies that Cherniss and Goldman (2001) define as being “open to new information and can let go of old assumptions and to adapt how they operate. Emotional resilience allows an individual to remain comfortable with the anxiety that often accompaniesuncertainty and to think ‘‘out of the box,” displaying on-the-job creativity and applying new ideas to achieve results” .   In this project’s circumstance, Adaptability wasn’t as much a corporate decree or desire as it was an implicit understanding we could fulfill our individualistic intrinsic drives of meaningful work, being empowered to make meaningful  decisions, and individually contributing  to form the project team’s collaborative identity. 

The de-emphasizing of the familiar project process moorings seemed to be softened by accelerating levels of trustworthiness within the project team’s every day interaction.   As it turned out, the many very high project risks may have been surmounted by the project management’s innovation of the project’s team Adaptability.  Business thinker and strategist Hamel (2012) points out “[t]o thrive in turbulent times, organizations must become a bit more disorganized and unmanaged – less structured, less hierarchical, and less routinized.”. 

Once the obvious became apparent, creativity at macro and micro levels, seemed to flow from everyone’s direction thereafter.  Although each of the project team members had their subject matter skills, their formal roles were often brushed away as their keen willingness for their personal and the project team’s success became an over-arching tangible outcome.  For example, a system architect would labour for hours, late at night on a client’s crashed laptop, or skilled desktop technicians found themselves newly immersed in a learning curve of an Audio/Visual communication system.  In short, other members of the project team filled in the critical delivery gaps without hesitation.

Our project governance was matrix-based with no noticeable hierarchical construct.  Project information flow was totally transparent, detailed as necessary, and critical communications were largely informal.  That is not to suggest formal communications were absent or neglected; far from it.  It is only to suggest, decision points were distributed quickly and trusted as fact within the project team’s social cohesiveness.

Hamel provides “A Hierarchy of Human Capabilities at Work” that may give us the understanding of what may have taken place during the project’s seemingly unstructured success.  Hamel (2012), on a twist of Maslow’s hierarchy, identifies six levels that may have a profound impact on individuals and team performance:

  • Level 1: Obedience (required for large-scale organization growth)
  • Level 2: Diligence (the individual’s work is the individual taking personal responsibility for their efforts)
  • Level 3: Expertise (the individual and collective skills and functional competences standards)
  • Level 4: Initiative (individual and/or collective drive is initiated to engage in an opportunity)
  • Level 5: Creativity (occurs when unconventional insights and pattern are brought into play challenging orthodox workflows)
  • Level 6: Passion (where the distinction between vocation and avocation become inseparable)

Hamel (2012) makes the astute observation that “obedience, diligence, and competence are becoming global commodities.  You can buy these human capabilities just about anywhere in the world, and in places like India and China, they can be bought for next to nothing.”    The real turning point in a project team’s acceleration occurs when the three higher orders of human capabilities are ignited.  The paradox of engaging the higher levels of human capabilities in a project environment is the diminished emphasis on functional restrictions, greater acceptance for mistakes, and a strong social adherence to each other’s success to occur.

A considerable amount of literature has been generated describing how societies and emerging technologies have shaped our social and economic development.  This revolution has transformed our agrarian society into an industrial era and we are currently undergoing a digital/technological transformation.  In short, Moore’s Law, when applied to a social and behavioural setting seems to be a powerful force creating great upheaval in our daily lives. 

In parallel, much of the world has evolved from physical toil to analytical work effort and is migrating swiftly toward a demand of social intelligence competencies.  According to Florida (2010), the highest pay gap is found with those professions and people who have developed the social intelligence vs. those where physical or analytical abilities have traditionally dominated.

Project Management finds itself straddling the world of a greater process definition and a profession that is capable of providing a catalyst for our collective creativity and project innovation to flourish.   Project Managers should consider the following few steps as we enter the creative age:

  1. As a project begins to mature, pay less attention to task completion and focus more on the social behaviour of the project team.
  2. Apply tools and techniques (organizationally legitimatized or otherwise) that assist the project team to accelerate their collaborative learning and thereby allowing the team’s Emotional and Social Intelligence to escalate.
  3. Tolerate a wider range of mistakes and solutions.  The individual(s) and the project team will find its own path to success.

The avoidance of over-committing to traditional process is a march towards entropy’s dungeon for yourself, our profession, and your organization.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.


Cherniss, C., & Goleman, D. (2001). Emotionally Intelligent Workplace: How to Select For, Measure, and Improve Emotional Intelligence in Individuals, Groups, and Organizations. (p.98). 35.  New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Florida, R. (2010).  The Great Reset: How New Ways of Living and Working Drive Post-Crash Prosperity.  Toronto, ON:  Random House Canada.

Hamel, G. (2012).  What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable Innovation. (pp. 98 and 141).  San Francisco, CA:  Jossey-Bass Publishing.

Agile Misconceptions: What Agile is Not


Over the course of my career in software development, I have had the fortune of working in a wide variety of companies employing radically different approaches to the software development life-cycle (SDLC). Some strictly stuck to traditional Water Fall. Others called themselves “agile” but never actually bothered to adopt any agile framework, and were thus a blend of Water Fall and Agile—and all too often, not a successful blend either. Another strictly adopted a true agile methodology and decided that there was no need for a PMO since, as they put it, “we’re SCRUM.” Other companies used the same Scrum methodology but saw the value of having a PMO as well.

As I have closely followed discussions on Project Times (and other blog sites), I have noticed some discussions around Project Management methodologies that are fine in theory, but often seem divorced from real-world applications. You can often find arguments prefaced by statements such as “good project managers do X,” or “the PMBOK methods require Y,” or even “any experienced Scrum Master knows…”

After working in so many different environments, the most important lesson I learned was that a dash of humility goes a long way. In other words, no matter what framework is employed, most companies will adapt the theoretical suggestions of the framework to make it work for their needs. Project Managers who suffer from what I call “theoretical myopia” may fail to see the value in the adaptations the company has chosen. A strict enforcement of a theoretical framework, without regard to results, is sometimes just as harmful as not enforcing any framework or process at all.

Target audience

There are several types of readers for whom this article is intended. Some readers may currently work in Water Fall environments and may not have any experience with agile. Others may work in companies that claim to be agile, but really are not. And a few others may work in true agile environments that strictly follow the guidelines provided by whoever trained them in that framework, and don’t realize that there are “many ways to skin a cat.”

Let’s answer the question: “What is agile?”

The simplest explanation is that it is an approach to development based on iterative and incremental development. It is characterized by “adaptive planning,” “evolutionary development and delivery,” “time-boxed” iterations that result in incremental releases of functional product, and must provide rapid and flexible response to changes and discovery.

What exactly does this mean in the real world? One must remember that in the traditional “Water Fall” approach, the project flows through a series of steps or gates, and does not progress to the next step until the current one is complete. As an example, Requirements Gathering only begins once the Project Charter and Statement of Work (SOW) have been approved and signed off. Development begins only once the full set of requirements for the entire solution are gathered and approved by all stakeholders. A testing phase begins when the entire platform is developed. Because the development phase can last for many months, even years, before code is released, Project Managers may struggle to differentiate accurately between perceived progress (often reported as developers’ guesses of “percent complete”) and actual progress. This, in turn, results in unpleasant surprises when the delivery date looms two weeks away and the developers unexpectedly report that they still have eight weeks of work to perform!

What is the unsurprising response from senior management and the client? “Why didn’t we know we were behind schedule earlier?”

As a concrete example, let’s look at a real-world application, first for a Water Fall approach.

Think about developing a Web page, especially one designed to handle flight reservations. In a Water Fall approach, many weeks would be spent gathering comprehensive requirements for the entire page and every field on the page. This would include not just a list of fields but all the validation rules for every data point. Development would not begin until this comprehensive document was completed and then agreed upon by stakeholders.

Once the requirements were gathered and approved, development begins. The entire page (or even the entire website with all functionality) would then be created and tested. The page or site would then be released to the customer. This same process might be performed not only for the initial home page, but for every subsequent page in the site.

In many cases, the very first time the customer saw the direction the team had gone is when the page, or entire site even, is unveiled for the first time in a customer demo. This is when many customers balk in frustration because the released product did not accurately represent what they thought they had described. A crisis ensues because the client is very unhappy that functionality is unsatisfactory. From the development company’s perspective, changes to the design and implementation are quite difficult and very expensive.

I will make the comparison by examining the Agile framework I know best, which is Scrum. In Agile development, high-level ‘requirements’ are gathered during the project estimation phase, often when the project charter (or SOW) is being written. This information is gathered in “user stories” (or other equivalent) that describe how the major components are expected to behave, in terms of user experience. “As a customer, I want to be able to book a flight from one destination to another, for a range of dates.” Additional functionality may be captured in other stories, such as “Flight Cancellation,” “Reservation changes,” or “Choosing seating.”

Experienced teams are able to size the anticipated work by a measurement of complexity, rather than guessing how long it will take as a measure of time. Once work begins, refinement of requirements and behavior often occur with direct client involvement while development is underway, in an iterative process.

The Scrum approach breaks up the whole page into discreet areas of functionality and plans to work on each piece. The “Flight Reservation” page is broken into “Select an origination Airport,” “Select a Destination Airport,” “Select a range of origination dates,” “Indicate seating preferences,” etc. These become the User Stories, which are given acceptance criteria. The stories are then sized by complexity, tasked (with estimated hours for each small task), and planned out across short iterations. The stories and iteration plans are reviewed with direct client input. As development progresses, the customer sees the result every couple of weeks as each iteration (or “Sprint”) is completed. The customer then approves the output, or suggests changes that, being found early in the process, require minor “tweaks” instead of large architectural changes.

The frequency of these “demos” helps the customer participate in constant revision and modification, so each delivered piece of product is much more likely to satisfy the customer’s needs. Rework and associated cost is thus reduced. Client satisfaction is increased.

The benefits to Agile are quite simple to comprehend. The agile development cycle is designed to provide valuable functionality that accurately represents customer wishes on frequent deliveries, contrasting with the Water Fall approach, which often leaves customers waiting for long periods of time before they see the first benefit from their investments.

What agile is not

An Agile team is flexible, agile, and adaptable. The Agile team proactively elicits and documents the desired function with direct and frequent client involvement. It also frequently reviews the developed product with the client to verify that functionality meets client wishes. The talented development team is encouraged to meet those needs creatively. The project manager (Scrum Master) vigilantly monitors a daily “burn down chart” that allows the team to change direction swiftly in order to get the development back on track, in the case where circumstances have caused deviation from the plan or to quickly react to new information received.

Having laid out this basic understanding of what Agile is, and contrasting it with Water Fall, it is important to reiterate that the core concept of Agile is not a lack of process or a “watering down” of documentation! In my experience, this misunderstanding has been propagated by some managers who believe that Agile frameworks translate to nothing more than a loosening of control and reduction of analysis and planning. Improper implementation of an ill-defined concept of “Agile” can result in even graver problems arising. It has been my experience that “the cure was worse than the disease” in those cases.

I will dive into specific problematic areas in subsequent articles.

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