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Author: Kathleen B. (Kitty) Hass

Managing Complex Projects that are Too Large, Too Long and Too Costly

ManagingComplexProjects1In an earlier article in the Complex Project Management (CPM) series, we introduced the topic and discussed CPM trends. We also presented the new, validated project complexity model. The model consists of nine complexity dimensions that may (and often do) exist on highly complex projects and programs. In this and subsequent articles we will discuss each complexity dimension in detail.

This article considers the unique complexities of large, long-duration, high-cost projects that pose challenges to project success, and offers both old and new management strategies to handle the complexities. Refer to Table 1: Size/Time/Cost Complexity Profile to examine the nature of these project characteristics as the size/time/cost dimensions increase.

Complexity Dimensions Project Profile
Independent Project Moderately Complex Project Highly Complex Project Highly Complex Program


Size: 3–4 members
Time: < 3 months
Cost: < $250K
Size: 5–10 members
Time: 3–6 months
Cost: $250–$1M
Size: > 10 members
Time: 6 – 12 months
Cost: > $1M
Size: Multiple diverse teams
Time: Multi-year
Cost: Multiple Millions

Table 1: Size/Time/Cost Complexity Profile

What Makes Large, Long, High-Cost Projects Complex?

Of the various elements that combine to make long-duration projects complex, the most significant is the inevitable changes that will occur in the business environment, which will necessitate adjustments to virtually all elements of the project. Knowing this, the successful project leadership team evolves, practicing situational project leadership, adapting and modifying their approach to accommodate the inevitable changes. In addition to adapting to change, the sheer size of the work involved for large projects weighs heavy on the project team. Research has demonstrated that the smaller the project team and the fewer deliverables, the greater the likelihood of project success. Therefore, the project leadership teams need to reduce the size of work packages to “seem like” many small projects, as opposed to one very large endeavor. As a final point, team fatigue and burnout lead to complex human interactions and unavoidable staff turnover, both of which are difficult to predict and manage.

Managing the Complexities of Large, Long, High-Cost Projects

The complexities of large projects require that particular attention be directed to planning the project, developing and delivering the solution, selecting team members, and sustaining a high-performing team over the long haul.

Planning the Project

Six important strategies for planning and structuring large, long, high-cost projects are offered, both conventional and adaptive in nature:

  1. Adaptive management approaches complement traditional practices
  2. Progressive elaboration allows the project to evolve
  3. A systematic, reliable approach to estimating increases confidence and accuracy
  4. Rigorous time and cost management increases reliability
  5. Stage-gate management enables continuous improvement
  6. Rigorous risk management pre-empts challenges and seizes new opportunities

1. Adaptive Management Approaches Complement Traditional Practices

For large projects, the ability to adapt is the difference between success and failure. The leadership team should analyze the situation, correctly answering questions like: Is this really a program? Is it a series of modestly scoped, small projects? Must the project or program deliver a product line, a system of systems? Can the solution be delivered in components? Only after this analysis should management decisions be made. In particular for long-duration projects, success depends on selecting the management approach best suited to deal with the changes that will inevitably occur. The team strives to recognize the nature of the problem and solution, and to understand whether the conventional, reductionist systems/software engineering and project management approaches will work effectively. Only then can we make the right choice of management approaches (e.g., conventional vs. adaptive techniques, appropriate project cycles, the best project team structure). It is also prudent to build continuous customer and end-user evaluation and feedback into the approach to ensure that the project delivers what is needed-which often is not what was originally proposed for large, long-duration projects.[i]

2. Progressive elaboration allows the project to evolve and the solution to emerge

Continuously improve and add detail to the project approach as more information becomes available. Allow more accurate and complete plans to emerge from the successive iterations of the planning process. Instead of trying to plan the entire project, start by scheduling only the activities that define firm basic requirements.[ii] Then, begin to plan activities to develop a conceptual design of the solution at a high level, resisting design decisions that will impose constraints.

3. A systematic, reliable approach to estimating increases confidence and accuracy

Estimating is hard, very hard. One precondition to being assigned as manager of a complex project should be a track record of developing reliable estimates. To increase reliability, use multiple estimating techniques. Educate your project sponsor and other key stakeholders about the fallibility of estimates in general and discuss the reliability they can expect from your specific estimates at key points in the project. Without a doubt, early estimates will be highly unreliable, exhibiting a wide range of variability. Numerous uncertainties are involved when building something unique with a team that has not worked together in the past. However, once the project has executed through a few iterations (if using incremental techniques) or through a few project phases (if using linear techniques), you can begin to gauge the speed of progress and adjust your original estimates accordingly.

4. Rigorous time and cost management increases reliability

Delivering on schedule is one of the main challenges for a long-duration project, simply because of the enormous amount of work to be accomplished. Implement a rigorous process for tracking progress and controlling output. Track progress to the next milestone or release scrupulously. Manage the schedule and budget by establishing a project support team to update and maintain the schedule and budget baselines; emphasize to team members that they should bring any issues that put the next milestone/release in jeopardy to your attention immediately.

5. Stage-gate management enables continuous improvement

Stage-gate management can be used to create opportunities to gather feedback from your customers and your team members on a frequent basis. After completing each phase, iteration, or release, conduct informal team-based quality reviews of deliverables. As part of these reviews, determine what worked well and identify opportunities for improvement to the solution development process and team operations. Subsequently, conduct a formal external quality assurance review of major deliverables and incorporate actions to correct defects found in the deliverables that must be resolved before work can proceed. Update the project cost, schedule, and scope baselines for the remaining near-term project phases/iterations, incorporating lessons learned into the plans. As part of the review process, examine the business case to validate that business benefits will be achieved and the investment is still sound. Conduct a formal project review with the project sponsor and other key stakeholders to secure approval to formally launch and expend funds for the next phase/iteration.

6. Rigorous risk management pre-empts challenges and seizes new opportunities

Few projects perform adequate risk management. For large, long-duration projects, it is essential to identify risks after each iteration/phase and re-examine risk responses to:

  • Ensure the risk response plans are managing known risks
  • Identify new risks and develop risk response plans
  • Identify new project dependencies and interrelationships and develop dependency management plans
  • Identify previously unknown opportunities to increase the business value of the solution

Developing and Delivering the Solution

Five important strategies, both conventional and adaptive, to deliver the solution on large, long, high-cost projects are presented:

  1. Iteration is the best defense against uncertainty
  2. Scope minimization is the key to success
  3. Last responsible moment decision making keeps your options open
  4. Rapid application development reduces time to market
  5. Lean development techniques increase efficiencies

1. Iteration is the best defense against uncertainty

“Projects should always be managed by rapid learning cycles because what we are doing is so complex that nobody knows the answer to begin with.”
-T. Gilb, software engineer and author

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that short-duration projects are more likely to be successful than prolonged endeavors.[iii] Oftentimes business transformation projects involve a mix of complex development efforts, such as business process reengineering, legacy IT system replacement, and the creation of new, innovative business practices that rely heavily on technology. To increase the probability of project success, structure your project into multiple deployments of small solution components rather than taking the “big bang” implementation approach. As you develop and deliver the solution in increments, incorporate lessons learned from each increment into the next iteration and constantly test for alignment with business objectives.

The Standish Group Recipe for Project Success (Table 2) asserts that “success is practically in the oven” when a project follows this recipe. Standish reports that it is prudent to reduce the amount of resources to no more than four people, for no longer than four months, at a cost of less than $500,000. For large, long-duration projects, the only way to get the resources down to this level is to structure the effort into a program comprising multiple projects and to use incremental/iterative solution development.

Ingredients Clear business objective; minimized scope (microprojects with rigorous configuration management); constant communication and collaboration; proven, standard, stable software infrastructure (vs. custom code); firm basic requirements; formal methodology; reliable estimates
Mix with Full-time, co-located core team members (experienced business analyst, project manager, business visionary, architects, and developers) coached by an involved executive project sponsor, involved stakeholders, an iterative development process, and effective decision-making tools (requirements tools, project management tools, design/analysis tools, and modeling tools)
Bake No longer than six months; no more than six people; at no more than $750,000 (1999)
No longer than four months; no more than four people; at no more than $500,000 (2001)

Table 2: Standish Group Recipe for Success, 2001

2. Scope minimization is the key to success

The motto of 21st century projects is: “Barely sufficient is enough to move on.” The more features and functions, the larger the project; as we have discovered, less is more. Initially, deliver a minimum viable subset of the full solution to start adding value for the organization as early as possible. Then, continue to deliver components of the system in short-interval deployments. Limit the dependencies between solution components to reduce the cost of changes. Design the solution to be flexible and agile to allow the customer to respond to changes in the business need, technology, or market conditions. End the project when the return on investment in additional increments is marginalized.

3. Last responsible moment decision making keeps your options open

Flexibility comes from delaying design decisions and the start of major activities for key project drivers (information flows, technical decisions, and business decisions) until the last responsible moment; that is, the latest moment possible without compromising cost or schedule. This “keep your options open” approach allows for maximum flexibility.[iv]

4. Rapid application development reduces time to market

If requirements are understood and scope is contained, rapid application development (RAD) allows for a greatly abbreviated timeline. RAD is a method of fielding multiple design/build/test/deliver teams to work concurrently. This component-based approach permits incremental testing and defect repair, significantly reducing risk compared to single, comprehensive delivery. Caution: RAD can be costly if (1) requirements aren’t well-defined, causing a high risk of requirements defects, or (2) the design is not sound, with a minimal number of well-understood dependencies between increments, which can create a high risk of integration and maintenance issues.

5. Lean development techniques increase efficiencies

Even though the project is long and complex, do not be tempted to apply more rigor than necessary. Produce documents and conduct meetings only if they add value to the project. Continually verify that the project is building the minimum viable solution. Keep in mind the motto: “Barely sufficient is enough to move on.”

Selecting Team Members and Maintaining Team Health

For complex, long-duration projects, we offer three suggestions for maintaining team health:

  1. Select team members for the long haul
  2. Attention to team health pays dividends
  3. Share resources to give team members a break in the action

1. Select team members for the long haul

When selecting team members for a long-duration project, keep in mind the special personality traits and coping skills that are needed. Prolonged forced interaction is simply not for everyone. For key positions, select team member who are resilient against social burnout and psychological stress.

2. Attention to team health pays dividends

Longer projects require that attention be directed to the physical and emotional stresses on the project team members. Focusing on the health of the team, making strategic personnel changes at critical junctures to infuse new blood, and providing appropriate team leadership will go a long way in sustaining the team.

3. Share resources to give team members a break in the action

On long-duration projects, critical resources may not always be fully engaged. When this is the case, “lend” them out to a short-duration effort to give the team members a break, allow them to feel the gratification of completing a task or meeting an objective, and then bring them back to your project refreshed and ready to dive back in.

Managing large, long-duration projects
Complexities Management Approaches
  • Too volatile: constant change in:
    • Business goals
    • Competitors
    • Global economy
    • Partnerships and alliances
    • Stakeholders
    • Project boundaries
    • Business objectives
    • Scope
    • Dependencies
    • Interrelationships
  • Too big: the size makes the project unmanageable, unable to identify dependencies and relationships
  • Too long: team fatigue set in, leading to unpredictable human behaviors

  • Adopt the appropriate project cycle and PM practices for the situation
  • Minimize scope
  • Delay design decision until the last responsible moment
  • Use incremental development
  • Use progressive elaboration and rolling wave planning
  • Establish a systematic estimating process using multiple estimating methods
  • Pay close attention to team composition and health.
  • Use lean techniques
  • Use RAD development to increase velocity for well-understood components


  • Perform rigorous time and cost management
  • Use stage-gate management
  • Conduct continuous risk management
  • Use a systematic approach to develop reliable estimates

Table 3: Approaches for Managing Large, Long, High-Cost Projects

[i] Linda Vandergriff, Complex Venture Acquisition, 2006. Complexity Conference White Paper.
[ii] The Standish Group International, Inc. Extreme Chaos, 2001.
[iii] ibid.
[iv] Robert Lane, Vincent C. Lepardo, Graham Woodman, How to Deal with Dynamic Complexity on Large, Long Projects. Online at, accessed January 2008), p. 5.

This article was adapted with permission from Managing Complex Projects, A New Model, by Kathleen B. Hass. ©2009 by Management Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Kathleen Hass is the president of Kathleen Hass and Associates, Inc., a consulting practice specializing in the business analysis, project management, and strategy execution. Ms. Hass is a prominent presenter at industry conferences, author and lecturer. Her expertise includes IT strategic planning, implementing and managing PMOs and BACOEs, facilitating portfolio management, leading technology and software-intensive projects, executive coaching, building and leading strategic project teams, and managing large complex programs. Ms. Hass has over 25 years experience providing professional services to Federal agencies, the intelligence community, and various Fortune 500 companies. Certification include: SEI CMMI appraiser, Baldrige National Quality Program examiner, Zenger-Miller facilitator, and Project Management Institute Project Management Professional. Ms. Hass serves as Director at Large International Institute of Business Analysis. She has authored numerous white papers and articles on leading edge PM/BA practices, the renowned series entitled, Business Analysis Essential Library, a compilation of six titles on critical BA practices. Her book, Complex Project Management, A New Model, was selected to receive the 2009 PMI David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award to honor the best project management literature published in the last calendar year. Kathleen Hass, PMP, Senior Practice Consultant, can be reached at303.663.8655 Email: [email protected] Website:

Complex Project Management – What’s All the Fuss About?

whatsallthefuss1Complex Project Management (CPM) is the “next new thing” in our quest to achieve stronger project performance. Successful projects not only deliver on time, on budget, and with the full scope of features and functions. In addition, they deliver the expected benefits in terms of contributions to the bottom line of businesses. And projects today are complex, very complex. Our conventional project management tools and techniques alone are not adequate to successfully manage highly complex projects.

In my book, Complex Project Management, A New Model, published last year, I presented a new project complexity model, developed as an outgrowth of significant research on topics such as complexity science, project risk management, project sizing and estimating, and project outcomes. The purpose of the model is to diagnose the complexity profile of projects, determine the complexity dimensions that are present on projects, and then examine management approaches to manage the complexities.

Initial Project Complexity Model

Version 1 of the model presented in the text looked like this: Exhibit 1 – Project Complexity Model, Version 1.

Exhibit 1 – Project Complexity Model, Version 1.

Validation of the Project Complexity Model

After an effort to validate the model with about forty (40) IT project managers, it was clear that the model was not yet comprehensive or complete. In addition, it did not appear to have effective discriminating criteria to correctly determine the project profile, resulting in almost every project being diagnosed as “highly complex” when clearly many were only moderately complex.

As a result, a new version of the model is emerging. At this point in the evolution of the model, it looks something like Exhibit 2 – Project Complexity Model, version 2. The key differences between the two versions of the model include:

  • The addition of a fourth project profile, Highly Complex Program or “Megaproject”
  • Rewording and tightening the verbiage that describes the criteria used to diagnose a project’s complexity for each complexity dimension.

Exhibit 2 – Project Complexity Model, Version 2.

The Significance of Version 2 of the Project Complexity Model

To use the model, members of the core leadership team of projects (the project manager, business analyst, business visionary, solution architect, lead developer, change management expert) collaborate to select the appropriate cell that most accurately describes the project for each complexity dimension. Then, the following formula is applied.

Try using the model to diagnose the complexity of your current project. In future articles, we will present strategies to manage the complexity dimensions that are often present on highly complex projects or programs.

Exhibit 3

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Kathleen Hass is the president of Kathleen Hass and Associates, Inc., a consulting practice specializing in the business analysis, project management, and strategy execution. Ms. Hass is a prominent presenter at industry conferences, author and lecturer. Her expertise includes IT strategic planning, implementing and managing PMOs and BACOEs, facilitating portfolio management, leading technology and software-intensive projects, executive coaching, building and leading strategic project teams, and managing large complex programs.

Ms. Hass has over 25 years experience providing professional services to Federal agencies, the intelligence community, and various Fortune 500 companies. Certification include: SEI CMMI appraiser, Baldrige National Quality Program examiner, Zenger-Miller facilitator, and Project Management Institute Project Management Professional. Ms. Hass serves as Director at Large International Institute of Business Analysis. She has authored numerous white papers and articles on leading edge PM/BA practices, the renowned series entitled, Business Analysis Essential Library, a compilation of six titles on critical BA practices. Her book, Complex Project Management, A New Model, was selected to receive the 2009 PMI David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award to honor the best project management literature published in the last calendar year. Kathleen Hass, PMP, Senior Practice Consultant, can be reached at 303.663.8655 Email: [email protected] Website:

Managing Complex Projects. Part 1

Setting the Stage

It is no secret that our record of complex project performance is rife with failed and significantly challenged projects. This is true for virtually all types of projects. Examples abound and we offer just a few here.

Public Works Projects Boston Big Dig: Went from estimates of $2.6B to a final price tag of $14.8B

Conceived in the 1970s and finished, more or less, in 2005, the Big Dig is modern America’s most ambitious urban-infrastructure project, spanning six presidents and seven governors, costing $14.8 billion, and featuring many never-before-done engineering and construction marvels.[i]

The Chunnel: 70% cost overruns on the original contract

The banks and the shareholders who financed the Channel Tunnel knew — or should have known — that the risks of building giant projects are very great. “No projects are harder to achieve,” a consultant advised the Channel Tunnel’s five lead banks in 1984. “To work on giant projects is always exhausting and often demoralizing.” He ought to have added “bankrupting.” Despite the consultant’s warning, the banks pressed ahead. They were under pressure from their governments, which wanted to do something grand without paying for it. They were under pressure from their good customers among the large construction companies to lend for something grand, and the banks also had internal pressure to keep up the pace of business. It became the largest privately financed project in history.[ii]

Defense Acquisition Projects Defense Acquisition R&D Projects Average 42% over budget

Research and development costs of the Pentagon’s weapons programs have increased 42 percent more than originally estimated, with an average delay of 22 months in delivering initial capabilities, according to a new assessment of the Defense Department’s major acquisition programs in 2008.[iii]

NASA Mars Program: Total cost is expected to run over by more than 30 percent

NASA’s flagship mission to land a nuclear-powered, next-generation rover on Mars is facing development problems and ballooning costs that could threaten its scheduled launch next year. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin told a congressional hearing this month that engineers had to redesign the heat shield on the Mars Science Laboratory after tests showed the protective layer would not survive entry through the Martian atmosphere. The extra work is expected to add $20 million (euro13.23 million) to $30 million (euro19.84 million) to the $1.8 billion (euro1.19 billion) price …[iv]

In addition to these examples, we see complex projects in all aspects of life, e.g., the World Bank and World Health Organization (addressing AIDS in Africa), world governments (addressing the current financial crisis and climate change), and business transformation projects that in some instances have led to bankruptcy (mergers, acquisitions, re-engineering business processes and large IT systems implementations).

The economic cost of failed and challenged projects is sizeable, often in the billions of dollars. For our economic competitiveness and security, we simply must improve project performance. For these reasons, many thought leaders believe that Complex Project Management will be the next big thing in our quest to achieve better project performance. Potential benefits from the improved management of complex projects are significant. Not only will there be substantial direct returns to those organizations embracing CPM, there will also be an increase in the capacity of the global community to effect the strategic change objectives required for the complexities of the 21st century.

What is Complex Project Management?

Australia seems to be leading the charge to professionalize CPM. According to Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane Australia,[v] the CPM strategic partner of the Australian Government’s Defence Materiel Organization (DMO), complex projects are those that:

  • Are characterized by uncertainty, ambiguity, dynamic interfaces, and significant political or external influences; and/or
  • Usually run over a period which exceeds the technology cycle time of the technologies involved; and/or
  • Can be defined by effect, but not by solution.

Although there is no universally accepted definition for Complex Project Management, we can simply say it is the management of projects that have the characteristics outlined above.

Why Complex Project Management? Why Now?

As demonstrated above, across the globe, awareness is emerging of the urgent need for improved delivery of projects that are complex, critical, often large and long term, and in the multiple billions of dollars. Research indicates that traditional, linear project management tools and techniques, while still necessary, are often insufficient to manage the complexities of 21st century projects. At the same time, it is apparent that the current workforce of project managers, business analysts, engineers and architects has limited capacity to meet the challenges posed by complex projects.

In the twenty-first century, business processes have become more complex; i.e., more interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated than ever before. In addition, businesses today are rejecting traditional management structures to create complex organizational communities comprised of alliances with strategic suppliers, networks of customers, and partnerships with key political groups, regulatory entities, and even competitors. Through these alliances, organizations are addressing the pressures of unprecedented change, global competition, time-to-market compression, rapidly changing technologies, and yes, increasing complexity. As a result, business and technology systems are significantly more complex than in the past; and for many reasons the projects that implement new business systems are more complex. To reap the rewards of significant, large-scale business/technology initiatives designed to not only keep organizations in the game but make them a major player, we must find new ways to manage project complexity.

Trends in the World of Complex Project Management

Competency Standard for Complex Project Management. Again we look to Australia to lead the way. Prior to engaging QUT, the DMO, in concert with the UK Ministry of Defence and an international team of executives experienced in managing very large projects, spent considerable energy reviewing and refining a professional competency standard as an extension to the existing A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), defining the essential competencies required for the successful leadership of complex projects, programs and portfolios. The draft Competency Standard for Complex Project Management was developed and authored by Dr. David H. Dombkins. After an extensive review process in consultation with Industry via the Defence and Industry Advisory Council, and the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), the final draft was approved by the Defence and Industry PM Council in June 2006. The College of Complex Project Managers in Switzerland will retain custodianship of the standard on behalf of the international project management community. The Competency Standard is comprised of nine competency views:

View 1 – Strategy and Project Management
View 2 – Business Planning, Lifecycle Management, Reporting and Performance Measurement
View 3 – Change and Journey
View 4 – Innovation, Creativity and Working Smarter
View 5 – Organizational Architecture
View 6 – Systems Thinking and Integration
View 7 – Leadership
View 8 – Culture and Being Human
View 9 – Probity and Governance

The International Centre for Complex Project Management

The International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM) is a not-for-profit organization working to advance knowledge and practice in the management and delivery of complex projects.[vii] ICCPM (formerly College of Complex Project Managers) was officially launched in Rome on 10 November 2008 at the 22nd IPMA World Congress on Project Management. The International Centre for Complex Project Management was established in 2007 as part of an initiative that started in 2005 when Australian, UK and US Government bodies and defense industry organizations launched an initiative designed to improve the international community’s ability to successfully deliver very complex projects and manage complexity across all industry and government sectors. There is a growing list of global corporate partners including BAE Systems, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Raytheon and Thales.

The ICCPM has embraced a research and innovation strategy that will enable it to work with partners and the international community to fund, facilitate and conduct applied CPM research. The goal is to share the research study findings with organizations across industry and government sectors, both nationally and internationally.

With support from its corporate partners and its major sponsor, the Australian Government’s DMO, the ICCPM has already made a significant contribution towards the development and delivery of the world’s first Executive Masters in Complex Project Management (EMCPM) through the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The program is a master’s curriculum that complies with the CPM standard and is designed to accelerate the career of accomplished traditional project managers into senior leadership positions in project-based organizations. The program focuses on the art of project leadership as distinct from the competency in the engineering and project management disciplines. In designing the EMCPM program, QUT worked extensively with a number of industry collaborators including the UK Ministry of Defense, USA Department of Defense, Lockheed Martin (Fort Worth), Boeing (St Louis), Raytheon (Washington DC) and BAE Systems (UK and Australia).

What Does this Mean for Project Managers and Business Analysts?

The is an opportunity for project managers and business analysts who are working at senior levels of the organization to accelerate their careers, transitioning from accomplished traditional project managers and business analysts into senior leadership positions in their organizations. For starters, we recommend consideration of the following strategies.

Transition to a Shared Project Leadership Model. In an attempt to deliver projects successfully, we have traditionally focused on management and control, and virtually excluded the vital role of leadership. Traditionally, the project manager focuses on planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, monitoring, and controlling. All project team members report to the project or program manager regarding project work assigned to them.

It is now becoming clear that complex projects thrive on collaboration, teams, and leadership rather than management, command and control. In the 21st century, managing complex projects is transitioning from a focus on project management to a focus on shared team leadership. Consider transitioning to the shared project leadership model. Using this approach, the project leadership team is small (four to six members), multi-disciplined, highly skilled, dedicated to the project full time, and co-located. This core leadership team shares responsibility for guiding the project, each taking the lead when their expertise is needed most. Clearly, complex projects are just that: too complex for the traditional project manager and requiring expertise leadership from several key experts.

Become a CPM Activist. Join ICCPM and support the research and innovation activities it promotes. Dedicate your professional development activities to becoming an expert in CPM through readings, self-study and formal course work. Sponsor a workshop for your organization to diagnose the complexity of your critical projects and determine strategies to manage the complexity dimensions. Advocate to establish a CPM Competency Center in your organization. Attend CPM conferences to keep abreast of the latest developments. Hone your expertise in the areas identified in the Competency Standard for Complex Project Management mention above. In addition, concentrate on the seven high priority topics that were identified as critical to the success of complex projects and are integrated into the EMCPM academic program:

  • Managing customer requirements
  • Subcontractor performance and relationships
  • Software/hardware integration
  • Start-ups
  • Strategic approaches to risk management
  • Diversity in government/industry perspectives
  • ‘Preparing the battlefield for change’

Seek out professional development opportunities that mirror the EMCPM offerings:[viii]

Domain 1: Managing Yourself and Others: People in Organisations, Building Effective Teams, Strategic Management of Complex Projects, Communicating Effectively, Creative and Entrepreneurial Thinking, Self Realisation and Personal Development, Systems Thinking, Understanding Complex Projects

Domain 2: Performing for Results: Negotiation Strategies, Business Planning, Strategic HRM, Managing for Innovation, Planning for Risk and Change, Performance Measurement, Complex Projects and the Law, Workplace Project

Domain 3: Leading for Results: Issues Management, Accountability and Governance, Managing Contract Relationships, Change and Journey, Leadership for Results, Implementation of Complex Projects, International Study Tour

This is the first in a series of articles based on the award-winning book Managing Complex Projects, A New Model , by Kathleen Hass, that was awarded the 2009Project Management Institute (PMI) David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award. Look for the second article in the November 25 Project Times

[i]Nicole Gelinas, Lessons Learned of Boston’s Big Dig, Autumn 2007 City Journal, Online at: (accessed October 2009)
[ii]Thomas G. Donlan, Lesson of the Chunnel, Monday, January 12, 1998 Barrons Editorial Commentary. Online at: (accessed October 2009)
[iii]Katherine McIntire Peters, GAO: Staggering cost overruns dwarf modest improvements in Defense acquisition, March 31, 2009. (accessed October 2009).
[iv]Alicia Chang, Flagship Mars project faces technical problems and cost overruns; could jeopardize 2009 launch,
AP Worldstream, February 28, 2008. Online at: (accessed October 2009)
[v]Professor Caroline Hatcher, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Executive Master of Business in Complex Project Management Course Coordinator and Bob O’Connor, QUT Director Corporate Education
[vi]Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Defense), College of Complex Project Managers and Defense Materiel Organization, Competency Standard for Complex Project Managers, 2006. Public Release Version 2.0. Online at:, pp. 17-18. (accessed October 2009)
[vii]International Centre for Complex Project Management. Online at (accessed October 2009)
[viii]GS51 Executive Master of Business (Complex Project Management) EMCPM Canberra 2010 Part Time Enrolment. Online at: (accessed October 2009)

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Kathleen B. (Kitty) Hass, PMP is the President and Principal Consultant for Kathleen Hass & Associates, Inc., a practice that specializes in building mature business practices including strategy execution, project management and business analysis. Kitty also serves on the board of directors and the senior leadership team for IIBA, International Institute of Business Analysis.

Kitty is a prominent presenter at industry conferences, author and lecturer. Her expertise includes BA/PM organizational maturity assessments and BA/PM competency and workforce evaluations; IT strategic planning; implementing and managing PMOs, BACOEs, and portfolio management processes; leading technology and software-intensive projects; executive coaching, building and leading strategic project teams, and managing large complex programs. Ms. Hass has over 25 years experience providing professional services to Federal agencies, the intelligence community, and various Fortune 500 companies. In addition to the PMP, certifications include: SEI CMM appraiser, Baldrige National Quality Program examiner, and Zenger-Miller facilitator.

Kitty has authored numerous white papers and articles on leading edge business practices, the PMI award-winning Managing Complex Project, A New Model, the Business Analysis Essential Library series, and was a contributor to The 77 Deadly Sins of Project Management. Feel free to contact Kitty for information about her services, including a cutting edge Complex Project Management Interactive Workshop based on the award-winning book. Kitty can be reached at: 303.663.8655, [email protected], and at her Website,