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Author: Robert Galen

The Agile Project Manager: Living in the “Real World”

One of the things I hear most often in my public speaking engagements and workshops goes something like this:

GalenJuly10I’ll spend time speaking about an agile principal, or practice, or technique, or even a mindset. Someone in the audience politely raises their hand and asks a question. I’m paraphrasing a bit, but it usually goes something like this—

Bob, that sounds really nice as an academic scenario or generic advice, but in the real world, something like that will never fly. We have too many constraints. It just won’t work in our organization. It sounds nice, but…

And then there’s the inevitable follow-up question—

Can we still do agile if we don’t do that ____________?

Which often gets repeated over and over again as we explore additional principles and practices…

I often feel a wide variety of emotions as a result of these dialogues—from frustration to sadness to a smile at the repetition. Depending on the point being made, it’s usually an early indicator that I’m in for a tough go in the class. It often indicates that folks are being ‘told’ to attend and to “go Agile”, but who really don’t buy into the whole change thing. 

Where am I from?

I’ve started doing the following as part of my introduction in classes; heading them off at the pass so to speak. I’ll talk about my background. How yes, I’m an agile coach and trainer, so I’ve done some academic-oriented work: studying, reading, and the like. However, I’ve also spent 6 of the last 8 years as an internal Software Development organizational leader and agile coach. So, I’ve been living in the real world, with real world dynamics, challenges, and constraints. Given that, I’ve been able to generally make agile work in those contexts. Every idea or technique or practice or principle that I bring up, I’ve seen work in practice…in the real world.

Was it easy in all cases? Hell no. But did it “work”. Did it deliver in the “promises of Agility”? And the answer was yes. In fact, each organization that I was a part of transforming our customers, organization, and teams experienced significant benefit as a result.

So I try to tell students and attendees to listen with an open mind and not simply discount things because they might appear to challenge their current culture or practices. The key from my perspective is the open mindedness to simply consider Agility within their contexts. 

Another point being—I wanted to set the record straight that I wasn’t from another dimension or another planet. That yes, the last time I checked, I did live in the Real World.

Let’s get back to some specifics

So I thought it would be good to share some specific encounters of a “real world” kind. Here is a representative set of examples:

  1. But Bob, that whole notion of writing User Stories that are intentionally incomplete to drive feature/work conversations during the sprint sounds like a good idea. But around here, in the real world, I’m the only Subject Matter Expert who knows exactly what to build. So, I absolutely need write everything down well in advance. I don’t have time to work with the team and answer their questions in real-time. Heck that would be an incredible waste of my time.

  2. But Bob, I know the book says that we need an individual to serve as the Scrum Master and Product Owner for each of our Scrum teams. But I don’t have the headcount to go out and hire those folks. In the real world, I have what I have. So, we need to turn our functional managers into Scrum Masters and Product Owners (dual roles) for every 2 Scrum teams we have. Clearly it can’t be that hard to do these jobs—most of the responsibility is theirs already.

  3. But Bob, I clearly understand that our traditional metrics and project tracking will probably drive the wrong behavior in our agile teams. However, our C-level leadership and our PMO insist that we provide exactly the same metrics for our agile adoption as a means of measuring productivity levels before and after the adoption. Yes, we realize that they’re different, but we have no choice. The teams will just have to adjust to the fact that these real world metrics are still viable.

  4. But Bob, you must realize that we work in a fixed date & fixed scope environment. Our leaders will absolutely not accept a “We’ll know it when we see it” commitment level. That being said, we realize that agility struggles with this sort of commitment. How do we meet our real world commitment guarantees and still maintain our agility? Keep in mind Bob that we cannot negotiate or waffle on scope. We need to be able to make a 100% commitment and then deliver on that commitment.

  5. But Bob, this notion of a “self-directed team” seems to be central to the agile methods. However, we have a very seasoned management team that understands our business and technologies very well. There is simply “no way” we’re going to ask them to defer their opinions, directions, and accountability to their respective teams. Not in the real world. We feel that they are “good” managers that effectively delegate—so they already support “self-direction”. In other words, “trust, but verify”.

Why only 5?

But Bob, in the real world, there must be many more examples than you’ve provided of these sorts of exchanges. I agree. But I don’t want to be the only one offering the examples. I’d like to gather some from readers via comments.


Because I think we can learn quite a lot about agile adoption and transformation success by examining the resistance we regularly encounter. Instead of viewing resistance as such, perhaps we can learn from it, examine its root causes and drivers, and become better change agents as a result.

I’m also simply interested in hearing your stories. So, any “but, in the Real World” stories out there?

Thanks for listening,

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Agile Value Propositions


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My friend Lee Copeland asked me the following question:


I’m putting together a keynote talk and need some examples — 
projects that were successful in the sense that they implemented the requirements, within budget and time BUT didn’t return any actual value to the business.
Got anything you can share?


And it made me think about my past projects. My initial reaction was no, I don’t think I’ve ever worked on a project that met the projects time and scope commitments, yet delivered NO business value. The keywords here are the “no business value”. But I have worked on some squirrely projects that did disappoint on business value. Let me describe a few of them as a means of sharing some things to avoid in your own projects.

In addition, I hope the stories hone in on some of the aspects of customer/business value, why achieving it might be a challenge, and how it can be a variable but worthy target.

Delayed Value

Quite a few years ago, pre all of the Agile hoopla, I was the project manager of a software project that was to deliver a new network management platform. The technology was a moving target and the company was trying to create a new platform on which to base subsequent updates for new networking protocols and increased performance. The team was composed of UI developers and some very low level, embedded device folks. At the time, it was a leading edge project that was targeted towards an opportunistic hole in the market. It was an exciting time.

However, I joined the project at a troubled point. It was spinning in a Find-Fix-Test cycle that it couldn’t break out of. The software had been in this iterative bug fixing phase for 4 months with no sign of breaking free for a customer release. The directive driving this was to produce “a nearly perfect, bug free initial release” and the testing team took this edict very seriously.

In order to break from the cycle, I met with key stakeholders and created a Minimal Viable Product definition that “allowed for” a more practical defect density aligned with the value the release brought to customers and the product released in 3 ½ weeks. Subsequent polls of the customer base found that the release had much greater value over what they’d been previously using and they were extremely happy with the new direction. 

Moral of the story: Make sure you’re not trying to provide too much quality without authenticating your assumptions with real customer expectations for the quality levels vs. the value provided.

Assumed Value

Fast forward in time quite a bit and I was working on a SaaS (Software as a Service) product to do email marketing. There was quite a bit of competition in the space and we paid an inordinate amount of attention to them. One of our competitors had come out with a “Freemium” option and it had served to push them over the top with new subscribers. Their growth rate in new customer acquisition was phenomenal. And once folks were clients, they were enticing them to convert to paid options.

This particular competitor was private, so we couldn’t get too many specifics. But the general view was the freemium option had driven a 10x growth improvement and that they were going to pass us in size in a little over 9 months. 

Our CEO decided that we too would provide a freemium offering. Believe it or not, that option was not “free” in its implementation. We had to defer our existing roadmap and divert most of our engineering team to implement core system changes to support this option. Not only was it a challenge from a software functionality perspective, but we had to anticipate the impact it would have on system performance (scalability) and to our customer support practices and team. All in all, it took us 6 months to ready our “Freemium Release” response.

When we exposed the new options, things did not follow the curve of our competitor. Yes, we saw a slight bump in free account sign-ups. But overall, it was a slight 10-20% increase over our normal rates. Long story short, we kept the free option open for six months and never realized nearly the increases our competitor had. In fact, the cost of maintaining the free service far outweighed any conversion increases we had assumed. All in all, the freemium service was deemed a failure. We felt we couldn’t withdraw the service because of our customer promises, but we deemphasized it on our web pages and tried to hide it wherever possible. 

Moral of the story: Often we follow competitors or our feelings when determining what will have value to our customers without TESTING those assumptions. Assumed value doesn’t always equal actual value. And following the competition isn’t always the best way to create innovative products. 

Degrading Value

I’m going to tell a sort of meta-story here because this has happened so often in my history. The goal and the vision were always the same, an intense need to get a product increment into the field to fend off some sort of competitive pressure. The triple constraint was always fixed across all three dimensions—Cost, Time, and Scope. That inevitably caused us to ditch quality as the project due date approached.

Now don’t get me wrong, nobody ever said: “We are running out of time ladies and gentleman—so in an effort to hit our date we will compromise quality and deliver a crappy product”. No, it was never as clear as that. It was much more subtle. The teams slowly started making compromises as the date approached; dropping quality practices like pair-programming, code reviews, and unit tests. From a testing perspective, you could see defect rates increasing, but triage conversely lowered the bar on what bugs needed to be fixed.

Almost always the code shipped “on time”, or if there was a date slip, it was minor and we shipped with the quality compromises intact. 

But when the software hit the street, the proverbial “s..t” always hit the fan. Customers found the numerous bugs that we’d introduced in our frenzy to release and thus began a painful Fix-Fix-Rerelease cycle that undermined our attention to our next release. It was a spiral that usually continued release over release.

Moral of the story: At some point we needed to realize that doing things right in the first place and holding quality dear and is in our own best interest and that of our customers. Value without inherent quality is valueless!

Misunderstood Value

Before the notion of measuring usage became popular with SaaS and similar products via Eric Ries’ recommendations in The Lean Startup, I worked on a project that did just that. This was a storage ecosystem product and the primary users were was Systems Administrators. It was hard for us to totally understand the customer environment and their usage patterns, so one of our engineers came up with the brilliant idea of collecting usage data and having the device “phone home” periodically to share. This practice is quite common today, for example check your browser of choice, but back then it was incredibly novel.

We then put in place data collection and reporting infrastructure so that we could aggregate the information into meaningful and actionable reports. Keep in mind that we were collecting rather finely grained information, so the amounts were quite impressive.

One of the primary lessons learned was that we were quite poor at guessing how our customers used our products. Only about 45% of the functions we delivered were actually used by any of our customers. Initially, there was a lot of internal denial when these numbers started to come in—with folks thinking the reporting software was in err. But we confirmed the truth of it, we were selecting value very poorly when envisioning and delivering features for our clients.

This ultimately led to our being more data driven and experimental in developing our software. We would often reduce the scope of a feature, deploy it, and then measure actual interest and usage before we would invest it in further.

Moral of the story: Value is not in the eye of the creator. It has to be in the eye of the customer and user. It also helps to measure actual usage and make decisions based on as much real data as possible.

Wrapping Up

I really want to thank Lee for inspiring me to think about these projects. Now that I’ve put even more thought into my history, I truly can’t think of a single project that delivered no value. And I’m guessing that there are only a few that meet that criterion in your own histories.

However, as I shared, I suspect all of you have experienced projects that compromised on the business and/or customer value proposition. And in doing so, you probably impacted your bottom-line in a significant way. 

I hope Lee makes a strong point in his keynote surrounding the “the value of focusing on value” in all of our projects. In a small way, I hope that I have as well.

Thanks for listening,

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Lee Copeland is a deeply experienced consultant, author and teacher working for Software Quality Engineering ( He’s also the Program Chair of their popular conferences.
In this case the Minimal Viable Product was produced as a working goal for releasing the product. If it had been defined at the beginning of the project (release) planning, it would probably have helped avoid the rework cycle the team found themselves in.
From a Lean perspective, this implies that 55% of the functionality we delivered was waste. And this waste didn’t simply incur a one-time cost, but a reoccurring cost as we maintained, tested, and supported it.


Don’t you Dare Play it SAFe

Beware heavyweight software development frameworks that kowtow to status quo leadership practices

galen May8I remember my first introduction to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) as if it was yesterday. I had a tremendous amount of experience with a wide variety of traditional Waterfall methods. Each promised to solve nearly every challenge associated with software projects and each failed to do so. So I was eager to try something new with RUP and was hopeful that it would help improve my software project success.

And as part of RUP I’m including the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Use Cases as the defacto requirement artifact. There were a lot of new approaches within the RUP. It was sold as a ‘framework’; one with lots and lots of expert guidance. I think one of the overwhelming or inherent assumptions in RUP was that we (the customer of the process) lacked the ability to define an effective process.

So, RUP solved that problem. It provided templates, guidelines, phases, techniques, iterations, gates, hand-offs, planning guidance, testing guidance, models, workflow advice, etc. Literally thousands of pages of guidance for how to define requirements, plan, construct, test, manage, and deploy a software project. It was an amazing amount of “stuff”. 

But interestingly, RUP did very little at the team level. It put a tremendous amount of information “out there” for the organization to leverage in controlling software development. But then it assumed that the execution was relatively straightforward. I.e., we’ve provided all of this sound expert advice, now the simple part is just following our guidance and you (the developers, the project) will naturally receive “great results”.

It always seemed to me that it was an iterative variant of Waterfall with some new requirement and modeling tools thrown in. Not bad really, but in my experience it didn’t result in successful projects any more than Waterfall did. And it didn’t seem to last that long either. 

Agility and the Scrum Framework

Scrum is characterized as a framework too . But it’s much, much lighter weight than RUP was. The Scrum Guide, one of the definitions of Scrum, is a mere 16 pages long. I can deliver a well-rounded introduction to Scrum in about 90 minutes. I can get a team running their first sprint in about a day; the key requirement being whether they have a clear backlog of work to begin sprinting.

When I think of Scrum I think of a generic set of guidance (roles, artifacts, ceremonies, and practices) that surrounds how we build software. Yes, there are some rules and recommendations, but they are essentially in place to create and foster an environment of collaborative software development. Here are the 5 Core Scrum Values from the Agile Atlas:

  1. Focus 
  2. Courage
  3. Openness
  4. Commitment
  5. Respect

The Agile Atlas defines “Core Scrum” succinctly and is probably even shorter than the Scrum Guide.

The other reaction I have to Scrum is that it’s not “for” the leadership or organization. What I mean by that is that the prime focus is team-ward first and organizational second. Let me use a concrete example. There are no PMO project status reports dictated by Scrum. No organizational level data gathering. No stop light (green-yellow-red) reports. 

If a project manager or functional manager wants to know how a project is going, they need to engage the team. Attend the daily stand-up and the sprint review and find out what’s going on, what the team has delivered, and what part they can play in helping the team be more successful. Asking themselves – how can they “serve” the team over how the team can “serve” them?

The Scrum framework provides “just enough” guidance and then asks or requires the team and organization to “fill in the blanks” by applying a customer value and lean mindset.

It’s simple. It’s clear. And it fosters collaboration around providing valuable “stuff” to our customers. Yes, I’m a bit biased towards agility and Scrum. But I’ve found that having a very lightweight framework and then engaging the team in extending it for their context and situation and domain and customers is a much better way to be successful.

Not let’s shift the focus towards another, perhaps a bit beefier framework.

The Scaled Agile Framework – SAFe

The other evening I attended a talk at the ALN – Raleigh group presented by Dean Leffingwell. It was sponsored by Rally Software and held at their Raleigh office. Try saying the Rally Raleigh office three times quickly…but I digress.

I’d been reading about and studying Dean’s Scaled Agile Framework or SAFe for quite some time. It’s becoming a popular topic in the agile community as it slowly gains traction. Rally is a strong supporter of it. Part of that is their longer term relationship with Dean as an agile thought-leader and advisor to their company. Another part of it is clearly their products’ evolution towards a 3-tiered Agile ALM model and the alignment between their tools implementation and the SAFe framework. 

Dean mentioned in the talk that an early adopter of SAFe was John Deere and that he and Rally deployed much of SAFe in the coaching and tooling implementation at Deere; so there is a bit of mutual business interest driving their collaboration as well.

Anyway, Dean was kind enough to go through SAFe in a talk he entitled: Know the Way, Show the Way, Go the Way: Scaling Agile Development. While the title sounds quite generic, the session was focused entirely on the Scaled Agile Framework.

What I like about SAFe

There seem to be quite a few 3-tiered models cropping up that seem to be useful in adopting agile at the Enterprise or larger-scale levels. The tiers often have Kanban practices in the upper two tiers and Scrum at the team or execution tier. That generative model seems to work quite nicely in funneling work from high level product roadmaps, through early feature validation, down towards team(s) implementing and delivering valuable releases for customers.

Mike Cottmeyer has been discussing these sorts of models, probably for longer than Dean has been discussing SAFe. There are a few connections to Mikes work in the references. And Alan Shalloway seems to have hitched his wagon to Dean and SAFe too for enterprise-level adoptions; and he’s talked around similar models with an emphasis on Lean at the Enterprise in his NetObjectives webinars.

Point is – this sort of structure and funneling of work through a 3-tiered model can be a constructive way to attack agile within the Agile Enterprise. SAFe has to-date just done a better job of documenting and marketing it than any other model .

Another useful aspect is simply the terminology. For example, Dean introduced the notion of an Agile Release Train in his two books . I’ve found that model to be an incredibly useful concept for deploying Scrum and other methods at-scale in organizations. It extends the basic, deliver at the end of each sprint model, for contexts where that is impossible for a variety of reasons. It introduces concepts like: sprint synchronization, hardening or stabilization sprints, and fosters release-level planning. 

All of which I think are missing in many organizations implementing agility at-scale. 

So the terminology, 3-tiered model and even some of the smaller models within each layer are quite relevant and helpful in at-scale agile instances. So if everything is good, where’s my concern?

But more importantly, what frightens me about SAFe?

In all of my research around SAFe and in the presentation the other evening, I get the overall impression that it’s an exhaustive and detailed framework. It also seems to have a primary audience. It seems to be primarily “for”:

  • the Senior Leaders; Stakeholders
  • the PMO; the Project Managers
  • the Accountants
  • the Managers
  • the Architects and upfront designers
  • the planners
  • the formal process designers, ex: CMMi, ITIL
  • the regulators; the quality checkers

The intent seems to be to wrap up this “agile team stuff” in a way that can be easily understood. In a way that can be managed, reported, and measured the way things have traditionally been managed, reported, and measured. In other words, SAFe seems to be a framework map that fosters very little organizational level change when moving to agile methods.

I can see why the above listed folks are so excited about SAFe…particularly in at-scale scenarios. But I worry that something is getting lost in SAFe; something important, something critical to the success of agility.

What might that be you ask?

The People
The Creativity, Adaptability, Innovation, Empowerment, Engagement, Courage, Transparency, and the Energy Surrounding the Team

It’s about the Teams…stupid!

First, there seems to be a de-emphasis on the team and an emphasis on the organization. I’ll explain it by sharing a story Dean told in our session.

He was referencing a 10 team instance of agile. The teams worked hard and scheduled ten sprint reviews at the end of their efforts. Stakeholders and managers dutifully attend the first round of ten meetings. Then they go away.

He asked – how many of them will return for the next of sprint reviews? The implication was that they clearly couldn’t spend their valuable time iteratively reviewing all ten teams work. He implied that in the “real world” these folks simply didn’t have the time for it and it wasn’t sustainable. 

Rather, the teams needed to roll up their results into a singular demonstration event much closer to or right before the release. Call it a release review. This way, the time of the stakeholders and leaders would be effectively honored. And the team would get the benefit of demonstrating more mature software and gaining broader feedback and visibility.

I say phooey to this notion or mentality that the leader’s time is most valuable; that the team inherently needs to “serve” the leader. If the team is working on the highest business priority work on the planet, the premise of all agile teams, then as a leader I need to get out of my chair and go engage with the teams. I should passionately care about what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and what it looks like. 

Getting to a sprint review, reviewing the work we’re delivering for our customers, should be my prime directive. 

Now certainly, at-scale, the teams could and should consolidate their results so that the review is crisp, integrated, relevant, and time sensitive. BUT, organizational leaders should view it as a responsibility to attend, engage and learn. 

The exception I take from Dean’s story is that it clearly supported the mindset that the team was serving the leadership. And that their time was more valuable focused elsewhere. Yes, their time is valuable, but there is nothing more valuable than them providing vision, interaction, engagement, and INTEREST in their teams’ efforts to delight their customers. 

It seems to me that Dean and SAFe are potentially reinforcing traditional, command-and-control, hierarchical management and leadership. Or at least that’s my overall impression AND my primary concern. 


I thought it might make sense to provide an example of the level or prescriptiveness that SAFe provides at the lowest possible levels. Under the PSI/Release Objectives Abstract advice, SAFe recommends the use of “Stretch Objectives”.

To the best of my knowledge, nobody in the agile community is recommending this notion. Now in my coaching, I personally like mentioning the notion of “stretching” in meeting sprint goals. Heck, I even talk about planning sprint stories as part of sprint planning. However, that is situational in nature and under my direct coaching guidance – so that teams understand the nuance and don’t over commit to too much work.

However, I think it quite dangerous for SAFe to make this recommendation. It’s not that it’s inherently bad. It’s just that there is an incredible amount of room for organizations to misinterpret and wrongly implement this sort of advice. In this example, requiring agile teams to “stretch” under all circumstances because SAFe supports the notion. 

It begs the question as to whether Safe is truly “safe” without expert and situational coaching at a team, program, and organizational level? 

I for one don’t think so…

Wrapping Up

You may be asking yourself why I brought RUP up in the beginning of the article. First, it is a useful anti-pattern example for heavier weight frameworks. But that wasn’t the primary driver. I see many similarities between RUP and SAFe. It actually starts at the roots of them both. Dean was an influential figure within the historical RUP community. At one point he created a company that developed a heavyweight requirements management tool – Requisite Pro. That company was then acquired by Rational; yes, the “Rational” in the Rational Unified Process. From 1997 – 2000 he was a Sr. VP at Rational Software Corporation; right up to and post the acquisition by IBM.

So, I think he has a tendency to think in terms of these all-encompassing, detailed, prescriptive processes. That’s not necessarily bad. But you have to ask yourself is SAFe driven from a true understanding of agile principles and practices upward OR is it a modification of RUP thinking over top of the agile methods. I actually think it’s the latter. Dressed up with a lot of lean terminology to make things confusing and perhaps more palatable.

Conversely, I think Mike Cottmeyer came to a 3-tiered model from the bottom up. That is, having a full empathy for and understanding of the team, before connecting agility to the organization by developing aspects of a 3-tiered framework.

So, is SAFe inherently bad? No, I believe it has the potential to be an effective model. But what I want to see in the forefront of SAFe’s focus are these tenants:

  1. A focus on the agile team
  2. A focus on organizational transformation
  3. A focus on leadership transformation
  4. Less prescription of detailed practices and much lighter weight guidance, which honors context-based practices
  5. An acknowledgement that it’s about the organization serving the team rather than the team serving the organization

Oh and BTW, let’s stop the certification insanity that surrounds SAFe. If Dean is going to put it into the public domain, then do so. But don’t then turn around and wrap a 3-tiered certification model around it to create control of the implementations and drive a business model. I don’t think you can have it both ways.

As an aside, I wish more folks would adopt the example that XP provided. While it’s one of the agile methods, there’s never been much prescriptiveness around the definition nor efforts to control it by certification. I admire Kent and the XP community from this perspective.

So as the sergeant in one of my all-time favorite TV shows (Hill Street Blues) often said: Let’s be careful out there…in our use of SAFe!

Thanks for listening,

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.


1. Here are several of Mike Cottmeyer presentations surrounding at-scale recommendations for agile organizations:
2. Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) is another SAFe-like framework being put forth by Scott Ambler. It’s somewhat less prescriptive than SAFe and worth a look here:
3. While I didn’t mention them in the article, Bas Vodde and Craig Larman have written two books that are very much aligned with many of the SAFe and DAD oriented principles. They focused on Agile at-scale. More info here:
4. And another book jumping on the SAFe, more robust framework bandwagon:

The Agile Project Manager: Core Scrum Values & Courage

Galen IMG01 April3The five Core Scrum Values have been defined as:

      1. Commitment
      2. Openness
      3. Focus
      4. Respect
      5. Courage

My references for this list include a blog post by Mike Vizdos, and the Scrum Alliance site where you can see them articulated.

Tobias Mayer wrote a counterpoint blog post on these values and suggested a different set and focus all on his own. Here’s what Tobias had to say:

I believe there are some core values, that can help establish a way of being that offers a foundation for success in moving from a left-brain, logical, commanding culture, to a right-brain, intuitive, creative one. Each of these values begins within self, and can be lived independently of the reactions of others.

    1. Courage — seek your edge; speak from your heart
    2. Trust — lead from a place of faith, not suspicion; follow likewise
    3. Congruency — act with integrity, so your actions and your feelings are always in alignment
    4. Humility — acknowledge your uniqueness, celebrate your strengths, yet strive to be a worker amongst workers
    5. Service — Be alert to the needs of others; ask for and offer help in equal proportion, for service is in the receiving as much as in the giving

Through making a conscious, personal decision to live by these values, healthy community emerges. And when we have a healthy community we stand a chance.

I like the fact that Tobias takes a different view towards the values. His lens seems to be one that is more personally focused towards the agile practitioner or coach. So, I thought sharing the contrast would be helpful. But truly I want to focus in on the one common attribute in both lists—courage.

Focusing in on…Courage

Galen IMG02 April3I remember when I received my Scrum Master certification (CSM) in 2004 from Ken Schwaber. I’d been practicing Scrum for a while, since probably 2000-2001, and I wanted to gain some lessons from the “Father of Scrum”. So I flew to Chicago for a CSM class he was co-teaching.

I remember at the end of the first day, not being ‘wowed’ by the material and wisdom. I had truly not learned anything new and I was disappointed. I looked forward to the second day with anticipation—surely there would be something shared that was agile and wise and powerful.

At the end of the last day, the lessons were better than the first day, but I still felt disappointed. However, there was one breakout that was thoughtful, powerful, and made me think quite a bit. 

It was a software project simulation about providing a ticketing system for Major League Baseball. The way it was written, Ken explained afterwards, was to articulate a Death March project; one that should be politely but firmly declined because of the lack of feasibility. However it turned out that very few class groups/attendees would ever actually say ‘No’ to the project. Instead, they would fall into a familiar pattern of problem solving, can-do behavior, and basically tell management what they wanted to hear: Yes, we can do this project.

One of the major points of the exercise was to test, what I’ll refer to as your courage, particularly if you were an aspiring Scrum Master. Did you have the courage to tell stakeholders the truth? Did you have the courage to steer your teams away from over-committing and underestimating? Did you have the courage to take a professional risk? Could you overcome our tendency to please our leaders and filter less? And finally, gulp, could you ultimately say “NO” to a project?

I followed the results of this exercise as it was given over and over again to early CSM classes. I remember Ken sharing that the failure rate, i.e. groups that would agree and commit to the project was around 96-98% of all attendees. The hope was for the groups and individuals to actually decline by this amount because of the way the scenario was written. 

Put another way: You have a project that, due to the way it’s envisioned, constrained, and instantiated, inevitably will be a Death March. It will clearly fail. Yet, over 95% of the folks who review it want to sign-up and take a ‘whack’ at it. Imagine that!

When I think of this scenario, I refer to it as a Myers Briggs test of our inability to say no or challenge our leaders when given very, very challenging software projects. It seems to be in our DNA as technologists and employees. 

So what are the aspects of “Courage” in software projects?

It’s hard to define courage because it’s so situational in the contexts I’m referring to. I’ll share some of the following aspects, knowing that the list is not exhaustive:

  1. Telling Truth – Say what’s on your mind more often. If a teammate is delivering poor software, tell them. If your boss is asking for more than your team is capable of without compromising quality, tell them. If you can’t meet some arbitrary date commitment, tell your customers so. Be bold, filter less, and tell more truth.
  2. Defending the Team – If you’re in a leadership position, instead of being responsible for strong-arming your team into saying yes, support and defend them. Be aware of their capability and push back when they are being asked to do more than is possible, feasible or wise. Be aware of technical teams’ tendencies to over-commit, so defend them from themselves as well.
  3. Know Thyself – Understand your strengths and weaknesses; leveraging your strengths and depending on your team to offset your weaknesses. Ask for help when you need it. If you don’t know how to do something, say: I don’t know. Then accept the advice and help of others. If you have a tendency to over-commit, realize it and ensure you have others who are more cautious and realistic around you.
  4. Be a Realist – At our heart, software folks are optimists and problem solvers. We love a good problem; the harder the better and we always think we can solve everything. It’s easy to say yes to everything or to take on all projects or to say you can do something you’ve never done before. It takes courage to tell truth and be more of a realist. Not every problem is solvable as presented to us and we need to realistically assess each “opportunity”. Don’t be afraid to be the lone voice telling truth. 
  5. Be willing to Walk Away – This is particularly true for leaders. You have to be willing to stand on your principles. If you get the inevitable management pressure to do something that you know won’t turn out well, you always have a choice. You can acquiesce to leadership and on your principles OR you can walk away. While it may be frightful, sometimes walking away is the most congruent, honest, and best response to a Death March project.

Wrapping Up

One of the common stories that came from students going through Ken’s scenario is that management threatens them. Some of them have been threatened with assignment to less than ideal projects and others with demotion to lesser roles. Still others have leaders who lose all subtlety and simply threaten to fire the team if they don’t take on the “opportunity”, ahem, I mean Death March.

Some of them also recount another strategy; one based on competition. Years ago IBM was notorious in starting two or three teams on the same project. They would let the teams “duke it out” to see who won. I guess it was nice to have so much cash on hand that you could take that approach. More recently, offshore teams are a competitive threat and, depending on the cultural dynamic, management will never see courage from them. 

But no matter how you slice it, projects need to be setup for success and your leadership needs to listen to their teams. Have the courage to work hard, be cautiously optimistic, be a truth teller, and deliver great results. And if necessary, occasionally you might need to “vote with your feet”.

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The term Death March was first articulate and described by Ed Yourdon in his similarly titled book. The book details the insidious dynamics of some software projects that are doomed from the start, but still manage to garner a sponsor who is unwilling to accept defeat.

Stop Pushing Back on Scope Creep – Embrace It!

I was a pup of a programmer back in 1980. I was working at Sperry Univac (yes, Univac). I recall as if it was yesterday, a grizzled project manager came up to me as I was about to add a feature to the mainframe (yes, Mainframe) software I was working on.

Bob, he asked, why are you adding that feature to the I/O Sub-system? It isn’t part of the requirements nor is it part of the plan. Don’t you know about Scope Creep he asked? No, I said, I hadn’t heard of that concept.

He sat me down and began to put the fear of God in me with respect to Scope Creep. He said that it:

  • Was one of the primary contributing factors to all failed projects;
  • Was a stakeholders way of getting ‘free’ work done;
  • Was instrumental in making programmers work overtime;
  • And most importantly, it was his job to prevent it from occurring.

He said to immediately stop working on the feature and let him negotiate whether it made sense or not. I walked away from the encounter starry eyed and appreciative of my project manager. I also had a newfound wariness for scope creep in its many forms. I vowed that I’d be much more vigilant in the future against this terrible enemy.

Fast Forward a Bit…

I was introduced to the agile methods in the late 90’s. It was an introduction to the Agile Manifesto, agile principles, Scrum and Extreme Programming that very much intrigued me. They were a very different way of handling many aspects of software projects. With respect to change and scope creep, their advice was contrary to my teaching. They invited us to embrace change to the advantage of the customer—letting the customer make late-binding decisions whenever they were responsibly possible.

I remember flashing back to my project manager from Sperry Univac and it took me quite a while to come to grips with agile change management. He had taught me well it seemed.

How does Agile “handle” Scope Changes?

Let’s start with a reference from the Agile Manifesto and it’s underlying principles for general guidance. From the Manifesto there are two of the four base principles apply to scope changes:

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 

Responding to change over following a plan

And the following two principles behind the Manifesto also apply to scope changes:

  1. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
  2. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

Responsible Moments

In my coaching I often speak about responsibility when it comes to change management. For example, it is irresponsible for stakeholders to try and change content in the end games of most projects. However, early on in the discovery phases, it might be the most responsible thing they could do. So the timing of change certainly matters.

Also, continuously changing things isn’t responsible; instead it’s chaos. Technical teams are an incredibly valuable resource in most organizations, so stakeholders need to change scope and direction with care. It needs to “make sense” to the team and they need to “see” the benefit. So, selling the rationale behind the change truly matters—so that teams can buy-into the changes. 

Embracing Change

I coach agile teams to embrace responsible change. To allow the customer, normally a Product Owner in Scrum terms, to ‘drive’ the teams’ focus. That as long as the Product Owner represents the best interests of the business and customers, the team needs to try and be as adaptive as possible.

And what about change trade-offs? Well, there are no free rides in the agile methods. If a stakeholder changes their mind, I fully expect them subtract as well as add or change scope. The team has a fixed velocity and, if there’s a fixed date, then they’ll normally have to remove an equal or greater amount of work. That happens in construction projects and it should happen on software projects.

The advantage in agile projects is that the team makes everything transparent—their backlog of work, the sizes of the backlog elements, their velocity, their current progress towards any release plans; EVERYTHING.

There is no padding in either direction. This fosters integrity and honest between the team and the stakeholder when changing scope.

Emergent Understanding

Finally, one of the key underlying drivers for scope change is not from outside stakeholders, but by the internal explorations and ongoing understanding of the problem space by the team. The agile methods are an “emergent process”. They don’t even try to get things right up-front in technically complex systems development.

Instead things like design, architecture, and technical tradeoff decisions occur largely on-the-fly as challenges are discovered and solutions created. In agile terms, this is referred to as “emergent everything”—as understanding unfolds for a team as they actually learn as the implementation proceeds. This happens in all software projects, whether we acknowledge it or not—as we rarely know everything in advance.

The distinct advantage of the agile methods is that they wrap this emergence in an iterative envelope, which allows the team (and the stakeholders) to react to new learning.

Wrapping Up

I have to give credit to my inspiration for this article as it came from the PMI Post here: Fighting the Dreaded Scope Creep.

While I may have exaggerated in this article, more for theatrical intent than anything else, I am strongly opinionated about this point. The article’s title is what intrigued me. If you read the content, the author takes a much more measured stand on scope creep. But the title harkened me back to my days at Sperry.

It also forced me to want to respond. I’ve learned the hard way that you shouldn’t fight, control, document, resist, or even tolerate Scope Creep. Responsibly embracing it to your customers’ advantage is truly the way to go.

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