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Author: Sean Lowe

Six Uncomfortable Steps

Everyone loves and seeks comfort …in fact; its pursuit is a multibillion-dollar industry in the US. We’ve got padded toilet seats, heated, cooled and massaging seats, mattresses that are multi-adjustable and a myriad of other comfort apparatuses.

Discomfort on the opposite side of the spectrum elicits thoughts of everything painful … both physically and emotionally. Theses are things we fear and actively avoid like public speaking, heights, or dental work.

When comfortable, we’re content to stay in our warm and happy cocoons … not to be bothered or challenged to think of the things that can or should be bettered.

Contributions to staying snuggled in our professional comfort zone(s) are many, including being typecast (working niche projects for years at a time without venturing into new territory) general apathy and the general fear of change. Occupational “Comfort” is sometimes confused with success (staying close to what we’re comfortable with, in terms of management style, project type, etc.) and is often also self-imposed. As Project managers, we must realize that however uncomfortable, there are many benefits that can be realized with taking “baby” steps from our comfort zone(s).

Despite your comfortable predicament, here are six individual steps to take that while temporarily uncomfortable, will provide greater “comfort” in the long run.

Be your own project Auditor.

Some may argue that this is too difficult given the PM’s proximity to the scope and issues of the project. I contend that there are always areas of improvement.

This step requires a temporary suspension of disbelief. Pretend for a moment that your project belongs to someone else … and that the owner is coming to you for advice on how to make things better …well … no one knows about this better than you, right? Review each knowledge area and make notes about needed change.

Scope, time, cost, quality, Human Resources, procurement, risk and … wait for it … communication!!! If all relevant stakeholders are 100% informed and participating, all parties fully aware of all elements of the project, costs are in line and overtly documented, risks are fully vetted etc. etc. you get the picture. Part of this exercise involves stepping back from the project for a moment for added perspective.

External Feedback – Use personal feedback forms

Often times we as PM’s do not receive the feedback we need to grow professionally. This is largely our respective fault for not soliciting it. Most stakeholders are happy to let you know their opinion on your performance, just ask! The risk here is that you will come away with a few bumps and bruises. The opportunity for gaining future comfort comes with lessons learned regarding your performance. More valuable insights will come from stakeholders that don’t “sugar-coat” their feedback.

Hone your Personal PM Brand

  1. Highlight what you bring to the table that is unique and specific.
  2. Clean up your on line profile – more and more attention is being paid to professional social media formats and your professional on-line profile.
  3. Volunteer to speak a local meeting or gathering of professionals.
  4. Work toward relevant professional certifications
  5. Craft and hone your elevator pitch

For a deeper dive, here, check out the following Project Times Article on personal PM Branding!

Hone Social Intelligence skills

Social Intelligence is one of at least 6 distinct “intelligence’s” or dimensions of human performance now recognized by scientists and educators. According to Dr. Karl Albrecht, “people who have a highly developed sense of Social Intelligence have more friends, better relationships, more successful careers and happier lives than those who lack those skills.” Conduct a bit of research on improving your “SI.”

See Opportunity in Risk

Challenge your team to turn Risks on their ears — if nothing else …look into this possibility. Danger, there could be a positive off-shoot (generating more work) as new opportunities require initiating new projects. New projects are often billable and revenue generating!

Step forward for uncomfortable assignments

Here’s where the growth begins. Yes, I am suggesting that you step forward for difficult and uncomfortable assignments. What are the risks?

You just might learn something new … possibly something you really enjoy or have a knack for.

Careful, you just might make valuable professional contacts and expand your network.

You’ll likely gain influence and confidence and learn something you can improve upon when you ask for feedback

What’s the cost of not doing it??? Basically missing out on all of the above!

Taking the six steps above, while temporarily uncomfortable (and not nearly as much as dental work) will likely provide you with new management insights and confidence, enhance your professional image, improve your relationship with your teams, highlight opportunities and provide in-roads for future success.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Project Manager Personal Branding

Like it or not, people have opinions of you …how you dress, your performance, stature, dress smell and everything else about you. If you doubt this for a second, glance at someone in the office and jot down the following on a sheet of paper:

  1. What is this person’s management style?
  2. Why are they successful, or not successful?
  3. What makes them good at what they do?
  4. I would hire them because …
  5. People like them because …
  6. When this person talks, people …

Surprised? Now, shred the paper before someone sees it.

Personal branding is much like product branding in that both elicit thoughts, feelings and emotional responses. The above exercise could have been conducted about any one of many product brands you use every day. Personal Branding is ALL about image … like it or not, WHAT people think of and about you, as well as how you are portrayed electronically play pivotal roles in your professional success. 

Is your personal “Brand” instrumental in accomplishing your professional goals?

  1. What image do you portray?
  2. When people refer you, professionally, how is it done? What do they say?
  3. Do you convey the image and carry the reputation you desire?
  4. Why are you chosen, or not chosen for certain projects?

As project managers, we must create a brand that capitalizes on our strengths and differentiates us. This drives our:

  1. Overall visibility and image
  2. Ability to be awarded projects and advancements
  3. Perception as leader and value added resource
  4. Perceptions of credibility
  5. Personal trust and confidence

Here are five ways to begin developing a brand to differentiate you from the competition.

  1. Highlight what you bring to the table that is unique and specific? (we all have unique and specific areas of expertise within our respective PM approach) While this may not be overt, we should be able to coax feedback from management and a few of our co-workers to jumpstart this process. Highlight what is unique, why it is valuable? Is this story telling, team rapport, leadership?
  2. Clean up your on line profile – more and more attention is being paid to professional social media formats and your professional on-line profile. These profiles are basically a commercial for “you.” Make appearances in on-line Forums and Circles where your expertise and experience will shine as you contribute to professional discussions.

  3. Offer to speak a local meeting or gathering of professionals. This is your chance to highlight a topic you are an expert on and to get your name out there.

  4. Work toward relevant professional certifications. Certifications show investment professional and diligence and can be differentiators.

  5. Craft and hone your elevator pitch. Your resume can be gold, your accomplishments solid, your on-line profile exemplary . . . but unless you’ve honed your elevator pitch and can quickly convey who you are, what you do and your unique Brand, you’re sunk.

  6. Ask an image consulting firm to tell you what they see. Chances are, with the aforementioned areas, you will have done the majority of the legwork involved. Don’t be surprised if they find a few things that need to be rectified, as this is their job!!

Once your brand is in-tact, work to enhance and refine it. Seek feedback and constructive criticism on a regular basis. Re-visit items “A through D”, and “i-iv” above for validation!

Is your personal “Brand” instrumental in accomplishing your professional goals?

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.