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A Look at Soft Skills and Project Value

Editor’s Comments

There’s a lot of technical wizardry involved in running a successful projects, but the kind of skills often described as “soft” are important too. They could be described as the general management skills that help make things happen in every corner of the business environment, including the project management office.

Chris Vandersluis shares some thoughts about the soft skills that need to be part of the project manager’s armoury in his article Serving Up Soft Skills, including the importance of presentation skills, negotiation and other important aspects of management that are critical to project success.

In their piece, Prioritization and Scheduling Based on Value, Bob McMurray and Steve Chamberlin believe that getting a project completed is not where the real project portfolio management challenge lies. Their view is that the most serious obstacles to overcome are those in the path of choosing the right projects in the first place. In their article they give some ideas on how to prioritize and schdule projects to maximize project value.

Monthly blogger Andrew Miller expresses the possibly controversial view that Project Measurements are Waste of Time – and explains why he holds that view. Mike Lecky talks about a number of integration tools that help to make work easier for project managers and help ensure the success of projects.

We hope you enjoy this issue of Project Times and that you’ll give us your valuable feedback to help us with future issues.

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