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David Barrett

It was just four years ago when we had some BAs out there, but that was it. No IIBA, no Masters Certificate in Business Analysis, no BABOK (their Body of Knowledge) and no certification exam.

Well that was then and today we have all of that and more. The IIBA is boasting members from all around the world. There are lots of new training programs out there for BAs, and the IIBA has produced Version 1 of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge and the certification exam.

Should project managers take note? You bet! The role of the BA is fast becoming the key to successful project management. A project manager who thinks he or she can do it all – without the aid of the BA – is old school. And I think the organizations that think the PM can do it all are not only old school, but in danger of loosing good PMs as well.

For years we have been asking PMs what hurts you the most? The answers were always, ‘lack of executive support’ and ‘lousy specs’. The former problem is still a work in progress. The latter should be going away as we type and read. Enter the business analyst. This is the architect – the designer. This is the one who will discover and document the client’s requirements, run through a series of designs and produce the detailed specifications for the PM to build from. Finally!

Where to from here? The role of the BA will become more and more important. The BA will become more senior within an organization. The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge will go through a series of versions over the coming years and soon ‘Certified BAs’ will be in high demand.

And that’s where this Business Analysis stuff is going!

Mike Morton

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