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Different Types of Projects from Small to Distressed

Editor’s Comments

In this Project Times we take a look at a wide range of projects and examine some of the difficulties and complexities involved in different projects. Happily, our contributors offer good advice for solving some of the project problems we’re likely to stumble on. Our bloggers take a look at risk management and whether the PM needs to be onsite to be effective. You might also want to visit the Project Times Bookstore and check our Calendar for upcoming events.

  • Recovering Distressed Projects (part 1 of 2). Contributor, Tom Flynn, is concerned that more and more he hears the word “distressed” in connection with projects. To recover the project, he says, it must be assessed without prejudgment or bias
  • From Small Projects, Large Projects Grow. Chris Vandersluis notes the fascination people have with large projects – the larger the better. He wonders if down-sizing from a giant project to a number of smaller ones doesn’t make sense
  • Where will BA/PM Professionals Come from? Next Steps. This is the final article in Bob Wysock’s seven part series in which he suggested that it might make sense to blend the BA and PM roles into one. See if you and Bob agree in this final piece
  • Where Risk Management Trumps Quality Principles. In this month’s blog, Mike Lecky takes the recent tainted meat tragedy and questions some of the testing practices in the industry. He asks project managers to see if there is a lesson to be learned in developing a project quality plan
  • Is Project Management an Everyday Job? Andrew Miller questions why so much importance is put on the PM always being onsite. He says it can lead to interference rather than leadership and can often just be in the way. He points out that with today’s technology, the PM need never be far away

We hope you find this latest issue of Project Times useful and informative. Please give us your thoughts about this one and what you would like to see in future issues.

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