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Presentation: Leadership Skills for the Technical Professional

“Over 70 percent of all technical professionals have to be leaders. This is today’s business world reality.”Richard Lannon of BraveWorld Inc.

You are a successful technical professional. Now you need to make the transition from technical specialist to leader. That transition can be a real challenge. You must be a communicator, motivator, organizer, evaluator, and builder of people and teams. Our business lives require us to be leaders and to build our skills. Our people and teams need us and we need them. “Leadership Skills for the Technical Professional” is about building the skills that you need to succeed.

Presentation Details:
Speaker: Richard Lannon of BraveWorld Inc.
Length: Approximately 55 Minutes

“Over 70 percent of all technical professionals have to be leaders. This is today’s business world reality.” Richard Lannon of BraveWorld Inc.

You are a successful technical professional. Now you need to make the transition from technical specialist to leader. That transition can be a real challenge. You must be a communicator, motivator, organizer, evaluator, and builder of people and teams. Our business lives require us to be leaders and to build our skills. Our people and teams need us and we need them. “Leadership Skills for the Technical Professional” is about building the skills that you need to succeed.

Presentation Details:
Speaker: Richard Lannon of BraveWorld Inc.
Length: Approximately 55 Minutes

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Mike Morton

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