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Greetings from Down Under!!

Wow – that was a long flight! But well worth it. If you live in Australia- good on ya mate! If you have never been – you must – it is beautiful.

While I was there to run our new event for BAs in Sydney and Melbourne I came into full contact with the project management community there.

And I am pleased to say that project management is alive and kicking in Australia – no less than two major events for PMs a year, thriving PMI chapters and another very large association for PMs called the AIPM.

There really were no surprises. The growth of the associations is being driven the financial sectors, the telcos and the government. The managers running large capitol projects keep to themselves and the young and the restless PMs attend every possible event they can afford to.

The project office flourishes, there are numerous options for quality education for PMs, portfolio management is the buzz and they realize that a successful project needs a good BA!

The only problem for me… they drive on the left side of the road!

By the way, Sydney will host the Asia-Pacific PMI World Congress in March, 2008. This will draw a great crowd from far and wide!

Next stop.. India!

We have a wonderful model for project management and business analysis events are want to be everywhere!!!

Does anyone out there have any connections in India to help us out?

[email protected]

Using Project Management Techniques to Scale New Heights

Editor’s Comments

Catherine Daw is president of SPM group, a leading management consultancy focusing on strategic project management, so when she decided it was time to undertake one of her life list goals, she put her project management skills to work. The project was to scale Mount Kilimanjaro, in North-East Tanzania. After seven months of preparation and training, they set off and a combination of determination and project management skills helped them reach the summit of one of the world’s highest peaks. She tells the story in Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Running a Project, You Could Learn by Climbing a Mountain.

Michael Mah continues his two-part article, Easy As Implementing a Package, by discussing the frustrations that so many CIOs and CTOs go through with large IT package implementations, especially with cost and schedule overruns. He cites seven reasons why companies have such a struggle with project implementation. They’re worth noting.

But Ilya Bogorad, in his piece The Real Costs of Failed Projects, cites a study that tells us that only 21% of organizations regarded completing projects on time and 9% felt coming in on budget was important. He also points out that project performance is often based on assessments by people closely involved in the projects, and wonders what affect human nature has on their objectivity and the general definition of project failure.

In Maximizing Project Value: Developing a Project Business Case, Jeff Berman explains why developing a project business case is so important. He believes it’s an important part of laying the groundwork for project success by ensuring that top management is onside and buying in to the project. The important point here is getting the time, resources and funding to do the job properly.

Chris Vandersluis has given this month’s piece a light summery title, Chocolate or Vanilla. His subject matter is neither light nor summery, as he wrestles with Requests for Proposals seemingly written by committees that are very much at odds about what it is they really need or want. In many cases they want chocolate, vanilla or just about any other flavor under the sun.

Finally, More Top 10 Tips for Project Management Success from Claudia Bacca are well worth noting, no matter whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just starting out in your chosen career. It always helps to go through some fundamentals from time to time.

So, welcome to the August Project Times. We hope you enjoy what we have for you and that you’ll let us know what you think – positive or negative!

More Top 10 Tips for Project Management Success

Want to sharpen your project management skills and up your “projects successfully completed” average? Here are 10 tips to help ensure that your project is on track and that you’ve covered the essentials, right from the start.

  1. Be clear about the business result that your project has been commissioned to produce. 
  2. Plan the work the best way to get it done, then crash and fast track to get to the requested date.
  3. As you complete an iteration of planning, be sure to desk test this iteration against the previous iteration to verify you are still in scope. 
  4. Build completion criteria for each task. Completion criteria will keep both the project manager and the person working the task clear about what “done” looks like. 
  5. Team norms will help your team work together effectively. 
  6. The effect of taking on a change request is not always equal to the number of days provided in the estimate. Be aware of the incremental effect. 
  7. Build cost estimates for every task regardless of whether you are held accountable for a budget or not. You need the practice and later you can use these figures for Earned Value Management. 
  8. Calculate the cost of quality at the end of the planning phase and several times during the execution of the project. Doing this will help hone your skills to deliver a better quality project. 
  9. Build an effective plan to work with your executives the same way you work with your team. 
  10. Have an attitude of success. It’s contagious.

Claudia Bacca, PMP, PMI Certified OPM3 Assessor/Consultant, is an independent project management consultant, trainer and lecturer. She has lectured at private venues and PMI chapters across the world. The tips are based on her new book, Project Management for Mere Mortals, published by Addison-Wesley Professional (ISBN 0-321-42345-3):

Bacca has more than 20 years of project management experience and serves on the leadership team that produced the Project Management Maturity OPM3 standard. She contributed to Kim Heldman’s best-seller PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide, and also served as its technical editor. She is coauthor of the PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide Deluxe Edition.

Easy As Implementing a Package

In Part 1 of this article in the July Project Times, I described the productivity characteristics of large IT package implementations, including enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications. I took on this subject in response to an article by my Cutter colleague Steve Andriole, who said that many CIOs and CTOs are often extremely frustrated by cost and schedule overruns by projects like this. In worst-case scenarios, some have even lost their jobs.

There are several reasons why companies struggle greatly with project estimation when it comes to implementing packages, both large and small. Here are a few that are frequently cited:

  • Implementing a software package means you’re buying code (off-the-shelf) that someone else wrote, and then attempting to make it work in your organization. Much of this work is about configuring and customizing the application, not writing your own code.
  • More of the work can be about trying to figure out how the package works, what to use, and how to then configure those parts (setting up rules engines and tables for example), and deciding what parts NOT to use. There’s a lot of thinking before any actual work gets done.
  • Since you’ve frequently had to buy the whole enchilada, it may take work to stub out parts that you decided not to use in order to set them aside.
  • A centralized database is an essential aspect of this work; database conversions and migrations are frequently involved, as well as setting up tables and creating reports; little code work might be involved.
  • Some organizations can’t use a package strictly “as-is.” Rather than change how their organization works to suit the software, they feel they have to customize the software instead. That involves code work.
  • Customizing software that someone else wrote is hard.
  • After customization, there’s still the task of retiring old applications, connecting the new system to legacy applications that are kept, and passing data across new interfaces that have to be written. Some are simple; some are complex…

… and that very frequently involves — guess what? — writing code.

No wonder people’s eyes glaze over at the prospect of implementing a package. How do you deal with something that involves code and, at the same time, doesn’t involve code?

In the old days, frustrated by project overruns on new applications built from scratch, many believed that simply implementing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software would be the ticket out of project overrun hell. Just buy functionality, was the mantra. However, as packages got more complex and spanned more functional domains, even these projects became more difficult than anyone imagined.

But wait! Now that there’s more and more industry data on projects like these, large and small, we’re discovering how they are similar yet different than other software development projects. What does that mean to us? In a nutshell, it allows us to better estimate, plan, and manage this kind of work, upon which millions (or sometimes hundreds of millions) of dollars are often at stake. We’ve found that the productivity pattern of this work is often very similar to other complex IT undertakings, but SIZING these projects is what’s different.

If you solve the sizing puzzle, it’s possible to combine that knowledge with well-established productivity assumptions to predict more reliably the time and the work effort (person-months, -hours, or -days) that these projects could entail. The trick is sizing the work when some of it involves code (we’re still talking about SOFTware, folks), while some of it doesn’t, and then combining the two.

My friend and colleague, Ed Yourdon once said, “If you underestimate the size of your project, it doesn’t matter which methodology you use, what tools you buy, or even what programmers you assign to a job.” In other words, if you think a project is the equivalent of a little league ballpark and it turns out to be more like Yankee Stadium, your goose is cooked. Many package implementation projects start out looking small and then turn out huge, mostly because teams fail to size them well.

So here are a few examples of how others have sized package implementation projects successfully:

  • You can count the number of high-level and then detailed business processes that are being automated. These are sometimes called “configuration items.” When exploring how a package might suit these business processes, there are often cases where the functionality “fits,” and in other cases, there are “gaps.” You can also count these.
  • Producing the desired functionality often involves creating items such as reports, tables, interfaces, database conversions, enhancements, and input forms. You can count these.
  • Creating components such as interfaces often involves writing software. Simple interfaces might involve fewer lines of code (100 or so), while complex interfaces often require more (1,000+).
  • Components that don’t involve code often require “programming actions” of some sort. While they’re not about typing an instruction in a given programming language like C++, they are about producing an instruction nonetheless, like mouse clicks/drags for setting up tables, business rules, or invoking macros. Simple components require fewer of these “programming actions” or lines of code (LOC) equivalents, while complex components require more.
  • There are often 10, 20, or so LOC equivalents on the smaller end of the scale, and maybe about 100 or so on the larger end. Since it’s not really code but instructions, some teams count them as “logical instructions,” “programming actions,” or “implementation units.”

Now comes the estimating part. Tallying up the size of all the work products can be done on a spreadsheet! You estimate the number of reports, interfaces, database conversions, enhancements, forms, and tables: 20 of these, 45 of those, and so on. Each of these components has a “currency conversion,” such as the amount of code per interface or the number of programming actions/implementation units (LOC equivalents) for tables, reports, and the like. Then, adding it all up is simple, and when you look at the sum total, that’s something that developers can handle. You’ve successfully estimated the size of your package implementation, in LOC equivalents.

Combining that with targeted productivity assumptions (low to high), based on how difficult the project might be, can enable you to run a Monte Carlo simulation of how long the project should take and how much it might cost. If you have a reasonable handle on both the productivity and sizing assumptions, as well as the expected range, you can bet that you have a solid basis for a reasonable project estimate. As a result, there’s far less risk of a disastrous overrun and/or slippage. That means CIOs can get to keep their high-paying jobs. If you successfully protect your CIO, that often is a good thing.

Michael Mah is managing partner with QSM Associates, Inc. [], a provider of the SLIM suite of software measurement and estimation models. He is also a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium, an IT industry think tank based outside of Boston. []

Mr. Mah is a recognized expert on practical applications of software metrics, project estimation/control, and IT productivity benchmarking. Over the past 10 years, he has published numerous articles on these and other management topics. His recent work merges concepts in software measurement and benchmarking with negotiation and dispute resolution techniques for IT outsourcing and relationship management. Mr. Mah’s particular interest is in people dynamics, such as the complex interactions between people, groups, divisions, and partnered companies working on the technology revolution at “Internet speed.” He is also focused on the latest research and theory on negotiation, including the use of game theory, role playing, and training to increase corporate and personal effectiveness. Mr. Mah is a frequent speaker at major trade conferences, including the Cutter Consortium Summit series, Better Software Conference, the Software Engineering Process Group, Software Best Practices Conference, the Technology Partners International Outsourcing Conferences, the Sourcing Interests Group, and others. Mr. Mah has a degree in engineering from Tufts University. His training in dispute resolution, mediation, and participatory processes is from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. He can be reached at [email protected].

The material in this article was originally prepared for the Business Technology Trends and Impacts Advisory Service of the Cutter Consortium. Part 1 of this article appeared in the July 2007 Project Times.

Maximizing Project Value: Developing a Project Business Case

In my first Project Times article (January, 2007), I discussed a new paradigm shift for achieving project success. In summary, this paradigm shift challenges you as a project manager to focus on achieving project business value while executing your projects rather than the traditional focus of just being on time and on budget. To do this I introduced the Project Speed2Value Road Map that was developed based on best practices from the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) PMBOK, Six Sigma, Risk Management, Financial Management, and Change Management. Used on dozens of Fortune 500 projects large and small throughout the world, the Project Speed2Value Road map is one of the most comprehensive approaches within the industry specifically designed to manage the full project life-cycle and track ongoing project performance.

Figure 1-1: Speed2ValueTM Road Map

The first step of the Project Speed2Value Road Map is to develop a Project Business case. In doing so you as a project manager will begin to lay the foundation for achieving project success by obtaining buy-in from top management and get your project approved for execution. This means getting the powers at large to give you the required funding, resources and time to execute the project. Sound simple? It is not by a long shot. With chief executives mandating tighter control over spending, financial support for projects comes at a premium. Resources are limited at best, and there is not enough time to do all things necessary to keep the business running smoothly. If you are like the rest of us, I am sure you have put in your fair share of working more than eight hours in a day, weekends, and holidays on occasion. Am I right? Compound that fact by all the employees in your company. Astounding isn’t it? With that said, I am sure that you are not the only one in your company with a good idea for a project. It is a given that every proposed project out there is in competition for the same resources, limited funding and time to be spent by your company for implementation. Therefore, it is up to you to justify that your project is better than the rest of the proposed projects, so that you are one of the few winners getting the limited resources, funding and time commitments from the powers that be. The key to getting your project approved is your ability to prove that your project, among all others, will deliver business value to the company. This means that you must be able to articulate “how” your project will deliver one or more of the main business drivers: cost reduction, business growth, maintaining operations (e.g. regulatory compliance), increasing speed and efficiency. Keep in mind that these business drivers are why projects are executed. These are the drivers that keep your company profitable and keep your company competitive. Therefore, it is up to you to demonstrate how one or more of these business drivers can be achieved by your project in order for your project to get approved. This is the premise for putting together what is called a project business case.

In simple terms, a business case is a project justification document that outlines a project proposal and plan for authorized funding, resources and implementation. It is a plan for execution and more importantly a plan for achieving project business value. The objective of a project business case is to justify:

  • “what” benefit and cost the project brings to the business
  • “why” the project is important and should be funded
  • “where” the project needs to be implemented
  • “when” the project can be implemented
  • “who” is required to implement the project
  • “how” the project can be implemented with success

A business case is typically mandated by organizational policies and management preferences. The key is that the business case is used to approve a project as well as serve as a baseline for determining project success. Think of the business case as your first benchmark for stating your plan of action as well as measure for success. If all goes right and your project is approved, you will be on your way towards laying the foundation for building a project success plan of action. Like a blue print for building a house, a business case is the blue print for achieving project success. Would you want your house built without a plan? If I you’re going to invest hundreds of thousands of your life savings, wouldn’t you want to see the plan. What type of house it is (3 bedrooms or 4)? Why does it cost so much? Where it is going to be located (facing north or south)? When will it be built? Who is building it (are they reputable)? How will the house serve you and your family in the years to come? Wouldn’t you agree that by answering these questions, you could determine if you want to spend your hard earned money on buying it? The business case for a project is the same thing, but instead of it being your hard earned money to be spent, it is your company’s. Instead of you and your family living in the house for the future to come, it is your company and its employees who will be impacted by the project you propose. As such, the business case is the blueprint for success; it is the plan for a project that will best serve company employees and help make your company more profitable and better off by implementing it. It is therefore up to you to articulate the case why your project will serve the company best and how you plan to make it happen.

Jeff Berman is Vice President of PM tec, Inc.(, sought after speaker and author of the best selling book, Maximizing Project Value about developing a winning business case, managing influencers, and the seven principles for business case success. For more than 20 years, Jeff has helped Fortune 500 companies including Gillette, Johnson & Johnson, FMC, CertainTeed and Cytec deliver measurable value from project investments. Jeff can be contacted at [email protected]