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Managing Software Testing

You cannot test quality into software.

Some project managers make the mistake of stepping back when software testing takes the forefront in their projects.


It may be due to a lack of hands-on testing experience, concerns over the increasingly technical nature of software testing, or a willingness to let the QA Lead drive the bus for a short period. None of these reasons are valid. Regardless of their roles prior to becoming PMs, they can and should continue to lead the team during testing. In the next few articles, we’ll focus on helping PMs better understand how to guide their teams to delivering better software. Testing the software is just one part of that journey.


Let’s clear up some misperceptions. The purpose of testing is not to attempt to break the software, nor to find every possible defect, but to demonstrate that the software will fulfill its intended purpose with a reasonable level of confidence. As highlighted by the quote above, software quality must be built into the project and development process from the beginning rather than being added through testing. Testing allows us to confirm that the expected quality is there and to find and correct those places where it is not. Remember the definition of software quality that we are using:


Quality code is code that in order of importance, does what it is supposed to do, is bug free, and is well-crafted.

– Stephen Vance


The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) definitions for verification and validation apply during this project phase, so their formal definitions may inform discussions about software performance under testing.

  • Verification: The determination by objective, repeatable methods that an item satisfies its stated requirements.*


In other words, the software works as it is intended to work, and it meets the requirements it is connected to.

  • Validation: The determination by objective, repeatable methods that an item can be used for a specific purpose.*


In other words, the software is suitable for purpose, meaning the requirements correctly describe the business need that the software satisfies.


(*Adapted from The Project Manager’s Guide to Software Engineering’s Best Practices, by Mark J. Christensen and Richard H. Thayer, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001.)


Every test should be traced back to a requirement, either functional or non-functional. If we cannot trace a particular test back to a requirement, we need to question why that test is needed and what purpose it serves. To ensure that we are not wasting time with unnecessary tests and that we are performing the required tests in an appropriate manner and sequence, we start by developing a test strategy. The test strategy defines what will be tested, how it will be tested, and what results are needed to determine that the system is ready for production.


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Once the test strategy is established, one or more test plans are created to meet the goals of that strategy in a methodical, effective, and efficient manner. Test plans describe the purpose of the test, entry and exit conditions, and specifically where and how the system will be tested. Once we have test plans, we can dive into the detailed planning of each test or series of tests. This usually results in test cases, definitions of test environments or regions, test interfaces, test data, and so on.


While the project manager is not responsible for creating any of these documents or artifacts, they should be closely involved in their development, review, and ultimate approval. They will have a significant impact on the project schedule, including task duration, task sequencing, key gates, and their location in the schedule. Quality assurance and testing schedules must be coordinated with those of the other teams within the project and typically external to the project (for example, the infrastructure team). These, in turn, impact the budgets and resources that go into the project plan. There may be significant risks or issues that will need to be addressed via specific testing, such as a new external interface or a set of complex calculations, with solutions that must be clearly described in both the testing and overall project plans.


The project manager is not expected to be an expert in software testing design or execution, just as they are not expected to be software engineers. They are expected to be familiar with the role, purpose, and types of testing required by their project under the delivery methodology being followed. PMs should ask thoughtful questions, ensure open issues are properly resolved, and participate in walkthroughs of key quality assurance and testing deliverables. We’ll briefly go through common ones in the following sections. While PMs should not be the ones driving the team through testing, they need to ensure that it is being done and done effectively. Some tips on how to do this are covered below.


The key point to remember is to be proactive, not passive, with these deliverables and tasks. Although quality cannot be created by testing, testing should identify where quality is lacking so it can be improved. Thorough testing supported by appropriate metrics will find and eliminate most defects and improve confidence that the team is delivering a high-quality system. This section highlights key considerations and leverage points for PMs to help them get the best results possible. There are separate books, whitepapers, and training courses that go into software testing in greater depth. Don’t hesitate to refer to them if desired or if you encounter a particularly unique or difficult testing issue.


Next Up: Types of Software Testing


Concerned about all the news stories about significant software failures over the past few months? My upcoming book, Building Better Software is focused on providing Project Managers an easy-to-follow guide for successful software development projects.



Surfing through Change and Anxiety

Change often triggers fear of the unknown and a sense of helplessness, expressed as anxiety. Change disturbs the peace. In the realm of project management, change is a given. Projects both create change and are subject to changes that seem to make planning futile.

But project management – if done well and if you are self-aware enough to manage your emotions -reduces anxiety by dynamically making everyone aware of actions, outcomes, and the probability of success. Effective PM accepts and manages volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).


Cognitive Readiness

Cognitive readiness is a critical quality to enable surfing through change. It is the capacity to operate skillfully in any situation, particularly when faced with VUCA.

Cognitive readiness is critical because everything is changing, sometimes more and sometimes less quickly, unless we can calmly and competently respond to each change without reacting to emotions like disappointment and anxiety it can bring.

For more on cognitive readiness see my PM Times article, “PM for the Change Makers”


Multiple Levels of Change

On a global scale culture wars are on and have been since the dawn of time. Imagine how the traditionalists reacted when some smart aleck insisted that you can start your own fire.

For example, take gender fluidity. There are multiple perspectives on what happens in society when a person’s gender preferences mean no more than the color of their eyes. Not knowing how it will turn out creates anxiety. Worst-case stories create fear and anger. Resisting the change reactively is counterproductive.

In the realm of project work:

  • Methods and cultures change. For example, as organizations turn from structured “waterfall” to Agile methodologies, or strengthen, weaken, or eliminate a PM Office.
  • During a project’s life, change takes the form of late deliverables, staff turnover, changes in requirements, and more.
  • Projects deliver products and services delivered to change organizations, the marketplace, the public arena, and individual experiences.


Breaking Norms

When a deep-seated norm is challenged by a change, there is anxiety and resistance. We see the same dynamic in organizations, families, teams, and personal relationships when security, long-held beliefs, and models are challenged.

Anxiety may be triggered by shifts from rigid procedures to agile and adaptive approaches and changes in management style. It may arise over behavioral issues, disruptions, changing attitudes about abortion, political beliefs, monogamy, gender identification, race, and more.

We feel anxiety if we are faced with life-changing choices that leave us feeling as if the ground has given way and we are in free fall, out of control.


The Impact

Feelings of anxiety may be subtle or acute. Self-awareness identifies feelings quickly before anxiety morphs into anger and despair, fueling physical symptoms and reactive behavior like aggression, withdrawal, and depression. Anxiety about being anxious makes it all worse. Managed well it becomes a wake-up signal.


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The Cause

Hypothesis: we resist change because we are threatened by anything that upsets our sense of reality or threatens our security. We seek assurance that things will be OK. We like the stability of solid ground under our feet, or at least having a reliable parachute. We like certainty and to be in control.


How to work with Anxiety

The best we can do when anxiety arises is to “be with” or accept what we are feeling and not let it drive behavior. Then we can do what we can to cut through to a calm presence.

Present and consciously aware, we can perform optimally in any conditions. We stop worrying about making deadlines and we figure out what best to do under the circumstances.

A method to change the way anxiety influences your ability to perform optimally uses feelings as triggers to:

  • Focus attention to be mindfully self-aware
  • Acknowledge what is happening – you may not want to keep it going but in the moment, it is what it is
  • Accept discomfort – don’t run away from painful or annoying feelings of anxiety, anger, or disappointment
  • Step back into a calm mindful presence being here, now.
  • Cultivate a positive mindset with confidence that you will be OK; stop the scary negative “stories” you create
  • Let go into Flow to allow your skills, intelligence, and experience to optimally work together to do what needs to be done, or not done.

The anxiety may not disappear, but it will become a short-term visitor rather than a persistent demonic ghost. While it is there, treat the symptoms using skillful methods like breathing techniques, bodywork, conceptual reminders like sayings or mantras, and/or, if appropriate, medication. As you work to address the symptoms, address the causes.


NOT for Everyone

Addressing the causes of anxiety is not for everyone. It is not easy. It requires confronting long-held habits and beliefs, including the strong need to avoid discomfort.

It is the path of a peaceful warrior, using an array of concepts, tools, and techniques to create a personal path. We learn acceptance to become comfortable with anything that comes our way and to let go into optimal action.


Next Steps

Address these questions:

    • What changes rock your world?
    • What do you cling to or push away when you are anxious about change? Why?
    • How self-aware are you? Do you recognize feelings as they arise or after you have reacted to them? Do you know why you are anxious?
    • How does anxiety (or any emotion) feel in the body? Can you be calm and accepting in the face of physical and psychological discomfort?
    • What frightening stories are you telling yourself?
    • How confident are you that you can handle anything that comes?
    • Are you ready to change your attitude?


Cultivate an attitude of confidence in your ability to handle anything, you can go beyond treating the symptoms of anxiety to cutting its roots. Weave a path that works for you using meditation, breath, and bodywork, with concepts like systems/process thinking and spirituality.

For a guidebook to developing the skills for managing anxiety and achieving optimal wellness, check out my recent book The Peaceful Warrior’s Path: Optimal Wellness through Self-Aware Living.


Owning the Rules of Project Management

Project management (PM) developed over time and will continue to evolve as innovative technologies and practices are embraced. Rules of PM are sometimes brandished around as if they are things that never waiver, things that are a must-have. These include scoping the project, creating the project charter, asking for stakeholder input, managing budgets and timelines—and the list goes on. But rules need to be malleable; they need to adapt to the project.


First Things First

No doubt, it’s hard to let go of things we learn, things that courses, seminars, webinars, and experience teach us. Things our gut says to pay attention to. There are times, though, when those things fade into the background like a sunset dissolving into the western horizon. Everything about project management should unfold according to the project’s needs and not based on rules defined by instructors and books. We need to be accommodating.

After earning my project management certification (whew!), and after a few hours of in-house PM training geared to enlighten various management and professional teams about the value of structured project management—and company-designed forms to use—my ethos was one of a rule enforcer (kind of an inherent trait of mine anyway): This is how it’s done. This is how to ensure the project will be successful!

I can honestly say that this rigid mindset did not get far. I am not going to say that I threw a hissy fit when someone refused to follow a certain “rule”, but I voiced my concern. Someone in management challenged me with the question: Why is it so important that things be done this way?

My response was: Because this is proper project management. This is what I learned from PMI (the Project Management Institute), and this is what we learned in-house.

Sidebar: The people involved in this matter were in the same in-house sessions as I was.

I knew what I was doing, right?

Wrong … sort of.

I am a detail-oriented person, and I believe in structure and rules. Those traits can be too stringent and can get in the way of managing a project from the stakeholders’ perspectives. I needed to unlearn—well, maybe adapt—my inherent beliefs if I wanted to survive as a good project manager. I needed to satisfy the stakeholders needs, and not my own.

At the end of the day, the “rule” was not going to be followed for this project (and mostly all projects since then).

Did I feel defeated at first?


Did I get over it?


Every company will have its own unique way of managing projects. Each project will demand its PM to lead it in a way that suits the scope, goals, stakeholders, timeline, budget, and, more importantly, the company’s culture and style. Your corporate culture is not something you can be taught in a PM course. You must know it and make it part of your PM skills.



You need to know your stakeholders and what they need from you. Communication needs are not one-size-fits-all. Emails, status reports, and meetings need to be tailored to your audience. As examples:

  • The sponsor wants a weekly high-level status report.
  • The technical team lead requires a thirty-minute face-to-face meeting every two weeks.
  • The business manager only cares about monthly budget and timeline updates.
  • The functional subject matter experts team doing the project work needs weekly meetings.

Managing a project involves stakeholder registers and communication plans which ensure everyone is informed when and how they want to be.

It is important to note that communication with third parties is crucial. Vendors and suppliers, at least in my experience, are not psychics. They must be listed on your stakeholder register and assigned the same level of value as those in your company. No secrets! If there is a change in the timeline or resources, it is beneficial for them to know so they can adjust accordingly.


Objectives, Scope and Deliverables

We need to keep perspective when it comes to project scope and objectives. Complex projects may require occasional check-ins with team members and sponsors when new learnings trigger a flurry of “what if” questions. There almost always are unknowns, things we cannot predict, that could change some facet of the project. Nothing is set in stone, and things about a project can be adjusted if necessary.

Always keep risk management in the forefront when it looks like an aspect of the project needs adjusting. Assess the impact of the change and make sure that all requests are feasible.

The Requirements Traceability Matrix

When I first learned about the Requirements Traceability Matrix, I at once felt a bond that almost matched my love for Excel (I cannot envision a world where I could live without Excel, at least not in a business setting). I created a version of an RTM I found online that I liked, and then I adapted it to my needs. It really helped get me through a large, multi-year project. No one else referred to it. Everyone thought it was overkill.

A rule of thumb – use what works for you but expect that it may not work for anyone else on your project team. And that’s okay. If it keeps you focused on the tasks in the pipeline, the successes, and the near misses, that is what is matters.


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The Plan

Let’s not forget about the project plan. Regardless of the size of the project, you need a plan. What are the tasks? When do they need to be complete? What is contingent upon something else? What is the status of each task? Have communications gone out as planned?

Plan the work, work the plan—that was something my instructor at UMUC (now UMGC, University of Maryland Global Campus) told us one day during class. Those words still stick with me today, even when it’s related to personal projects and tasks. For me, this is a golden rule. No caveats.



Prioritizing your work is tantamount to success. And that means assigning priority to non-project work, too! I am not a full-time project manager. Along with my projects, I run supply chain models, pull data for various analyses and GHG reports, and take care of monthly reports and transportation management system support.

When you feel like you are overwhelmed (and it will happen), it’s good to step back and assess your priorities. Usually, that is done throughout the day as emails arrive in your inbox, impromptu meetings pop-up on your calendar, the phone rings, and a myriad of other things vie for your attention. STAY CALM and think rationally. Things will get done! Make sure to communicate if anything needs to move to the backseat instead of being in the driver’s seat.

The bottom line is that it is okay to make the rules up as you go along. Each project’s requirements will be different—sometimes only slightly while other times a major overhaul is needed. Be adaptable and responsive to the static and changing needs of your stakeholders and the project in general. Enjoy the plethora of challenges presented by project management.


87% of Project Managers Report an Increase In The Use of EQ Over The Past 2 Years

Capterra’s latest research study investigates the use of emotional intelligence (EQ) within project management and its impact on overcoming project challenges.

EQ is the ability to use, understand, and manage one’s own and others’ feelings. EQ-based techniques, such as listening actively or being open-minded, allow project managers to better engage with stakeholders and enhance their decision-making skills.

Almost half (47%) of the U.K. project managers we surveyed say they always use EQ-based techniques when enacting their project management responsibilities, while 51% say they do so often. Additionally, 87% of surveyed project managers report a significant or moderate increase in EQ usage over the past two years.


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The vast majority (95%) state that their company’s leadership understands the importance of EQ in project management. Moreover, 97% believe that a high EQ level can significantly or moderately impact a project team’s ability to achieve goals.

Project management responsibilities most positively impacted by EQ, according to respondents, include:

–          Decision-making (60%)

–          Problem-solving (58%)

–          Team management (49%)

–          Risk management (32%)

–          Time management (27%)

While project managers speak highly of EQ’s positive impact on teams, the story is different when it comes to its influence on senior stakeholders—only 17% of managers believe EQ positively impacts senior-level stakeholder management.

Conflict resolution is an aspect of EQ that most project managers struggle with, as 45% grapple with handling conflicts. Moreover, 36% of project managers have trouble communicating needs or expectations, 30% find it hard to identify emotions and 29% have difficulties managing relationships.

Eduardo Garcia, content analyst at Capterra U.K., comments:

While emotional intelligence is innate, there are aspects that can be further developed by project managers. Therefore, businesses should educate project managers on the effective use of EQ. Understanding and managing emotions not only enhances decision-making and problem-solving but also improves team dynamics and project outcomes.

To harness EQ effectively, businesses should prioritize training in conflict resolution, communication and relationship management to ensure projects and teams are managed efficiently.


Capterra’s 2024 Impactful Project Management Tools Survey was conducted in May 2024 among 2,500 respondents in the U.S. (300), U.K. (200), Canada (200), Brazil (200), Mexico (200), France (200), Italy (200), Germany (200), Spain (200), Australia (200), India (200) and Japan (200). Respondents were screened to be project management professionals at organizations of all sizes. Their organization must currently use project management software. For this study, we analyzed data from a sample of 200 U.K. respondents.


Six Essential Abilities for PM Excellence

Six essential abilities enable effective performance in any role, whether as a manager, leader, partner, or team member, at work or at home. These are in addition to traditional project management skills such as planning, scheduling, and managing risk.

The foundation for these abilities is:

  • Mindset – the way you perceive the world through your mental models, attitudes, and beliefs
  • Emotional intelligence – your capacity to manage your emotions and be aware of your impact on others, and
  • Mindfulness – your capacity to be objectively aware of what is happening internally and around you.


Six Essentials

The six essential abilities for effective performance are particularly important when working with others in complex, uncertain, changing circumstances to accomplish objectives. They are:

  • Adaptability – the ability to change as circumstances change
  • Communication – the ability to exchange ideas and understandings.
  • Conflict-management/Problem-solving/ Decision-making – the ability to confront uncertainty and problems to resolve them by making effective decisions
  • Time management – the ability to organize and balance your effort, and the way you use your time.
  • Relationship management – sustaining healthy connections with others
  • Resilience – the ability to bounce back when faced with difficult challenges and obstacles.


Combining the Essentials

While we can cultivate each ability independently of the others it is the combination of them that makes the difference:

  • Communication, adaptability, relationship management, and resilience support problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Communication, effective problem-solving, time management, and adaptability enable healthy relationships.
  • Healthy relationships are essential for conflict management and problem-solving.


Cultivating The Abilities – Integrated Learning

These abilities can be the subject of courses, coaching, and experiential learning opportunities, and embedded in traditional PM skill training, for example, highlighting adaptability as a factor in risk management and communication and decision-making in planning courses. Regular reminders in team meetings and work sessions help to integrate the essentials into daily life and sustain and improve performance.

In this article, we will point out the basics for each ability and identify the roles of the foundations of mindset, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness.



Adaptability is the ability to change as circumstances change. And circumstances change all the time. For example, adaptability is being able to shift roles, responsibilities, and schedules when a team member leaves, or when any change occurs that disrupts plans.

To adapt requires emotional intelligence with the ability to remain calm, accept the uncertainty of the situation, and confront any resistance to making sensible changes, including the disappointment about slipping the schedule if that is likely to happen.

A growth, as opposed to a fixed mindset, opens you to alternatives and learning. A positive mindset recognizes that each obstacle is an opportunity to move in a new direction rather than a dead-end. When you apply a positive growth mindset you accept uncertainty and an absence of complete control, it opens the door to adaptability.



Communication is the ability to exchange ideas and understandings. It transcends speech and writing to include listening, body language, and the intuitive sense of the feeling tones that communicate mood.

Whether adapting to change, convincing executives to authorize a project, getting a client to sign off, inform, or motivate the team, the ability to clearly say what is on your mind in a way that enables others to understand it is critical to success.

Mindfulness and emotional intelligence support communication by making you sensitive to your feelings and habits, and to the responses of others to what you are saying or not saying to them.


Conflict Management/Problem-solving/ Decision-making

Conflict management involves adaptability, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Conflict arises when there is uncertainty regarding a path forward, or there are alternatives that seem to be or are opposed to one another. A decision must be made to resolve the conflict.

An open-minded mindset founded on systems and process thinking enables strategic and critical thinking. These lead to more effective decisions.

Emotional intelligence and mindfulness help to avoid unnecessary competitiveness and promote collaboration, so conflicts are relationship builders rather than relationship busters.


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Time Management

Managing your time puts you in charge of optimizing your effectiveness. Cultivate a mindset that respects your time and work style and recognizes the needs of others for uninterrupted work periods and rest.

  • Prioritize and schedule tasks based on criticality, your preferences, the need for collaboration, task duration, and wait times.
  • Focus on one thing at a time to avoid multitasking. But be open to multitasking when it makes sense. In other words, adapt.
  • Avoid interruptions and distractions by blocking work sessions as if they were meetings or other busy periods.
  • Apply mindfulness to avoid being drawn down rabbit holes and away from your task focus.
  • Take rest and recovery periods, mindful of the onset of mental or physical fatigue.


Relationship Management

A systems and process mindset acknowledges that relationships are the single most important aspect of project management if not all of life. A project team is a system of people performing processes. If relationships are unhealthy, full of tension, inappropriately competitive, and lacking in mutual respect, performance is likely to be subpar.

Communication, conflict management, and adaptability when founded on emotional intelligence and mindfulness of your emotions and the emotions of others will generate healthy relationships. Healthy relationships will enable effective communication, and conflict management, as well as help the entire team be adaptable.



Resilience is the ability to recover and be ready to respond when faced with difficult challenges and obstacles. It differentiates highly effective project managers from those who either burn out or perform marginally well under pressure.

You know you or those around you are not resilient when depression and defeatism follow a setback. Resilience is built by

  • Cultivating a growth mindset so you can treat obstacles and failures as learning opportunities,
  • Applying mindfulness to be self-aware of tendencies to over-dramatize crisis, and
  • Enhancing emotional intelligence to avoid reactivity.

Resilience requires being realistic and optimistic. It is enabled when you accept whatever has happened and let go of remorse and blame to recover and move on with renewed enthusiasm.


Call to Action

In summary, project management and performance excellence require a positive growth mindset with a base in systems and process thinking, your capacity to manage your emotions and behavior, and mindful awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.

Together these are a foundation for the essential behavioral abilities that enable the optimal application of project management technical skills.

Achieve sustainable optimal performance:

  1. Continuously assess individual and team behavioral capabilities
  2. Assess the degree to which they are valued in your environment
  3. Develop or refine your learning plans
  4. Cultivate the foundations and essential abilities in conjunction with technical project management skills
  5. Assess the difference in performance
  6. Adjust.