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Three Tips for Solving the Communications Dilemma

Oct12_FeatureRecently I talked to a colleague with a communications dilemma. She wondered how she should communicate with her various stakeholder groups. Thinking out loud she pondered, “When I’m with business people, I always try to use business language, including their acronyms, which I’ve gone out of my way to learn. But what about when I’m talking to the technical experts? Should I talk techie to them?” She went on to say, “I write a lot of proposals. I have some stakeholders who let me know right away about typos or if my grammar is not exactly right. I have other stakeholders who have told me that my writing style is too formal and that I shouldn’t use such correct grammar. They feel it’s intimidating and unfriendly.”
As BAs and PMs we know we’re supposed to be good communicators, but what exactly does that mean? We are trained to be aware of others’ communication style. We use our intuition, empathy, and awareness of body language to “read” others. But is that enough? And does that apply equally to our written and our verbal communication? What about the language we use? I have always loved the quote from the poet William Butler Yeats, “Think like a wise [person] but communicate in the language of the people.” Does that mean, however, that when we are talking to someone who misuses the language, that we should match our language to theirs? I don’t think so. Matching the communication style does not necessarily mean mimicking their language. However, we do want a communication style that makes our stakeholders comfortable.

How can we solve this communications dilemma? Here are three tips for both written and verbal communications that can help.

  1. Take the time to keep it simple. We are all aware of the wisdom of keeping it simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy. Simple doesn’t mean careless. It is often harder to keep it simple, because keeping it simple requires thought, precision, and a good command of the language. I find that it takes a great deal of thought to write concisely and say everything I want to in language that all stakeholders will understand.

That same principle of simplicity applies when we paraphrase, or restate what was said in different words while keeping the nature of what was said intact. I think paraphrasing is one of the most difficult skills to master. It requires the ability to     take in a lot of information, to synthesize it, to concentrate on what is being said, and at the same time to rework the ideas to make them understandable. It’s tough work!

  1. Be correct without being pretentious. When we use incorrect grammar or when we don’t bother to check our work, we run the risk of being judged poorly, of reducing our credibility, and of not being taken seriously. On the other hand, when we use ornate language and complex sentence structure, we run the risk of losing our audience. I remember taking a multiple choice test in high school where the correct answer was “It is I who am going shopping.” Wow. And of course there’s the famous line from Churchill. Apparently his editors rewrote a sentence to make it grammatically correct, and apparently he responded with the famous line, “This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put,” pointing out the ridiculous nature of obscure grammatical rules. In a nutshell, I think we should strive for communications that are both intelligent and clear.
  2. Use language that both technical and business people understand. I have found that when I use technical language with business people, they have a harder time understanding me than if I use business language with technical people. Using business language, then, tends to be more easily understood by all stakeholders. As a project manager working on software development projects, I always encouraged the developers to use business terms, even when the subject was technical in nature. For example, instead of saying DB17, I encouraged the team to talk, even among themselves, about the Price Change database.

Another example I use is that when we need to find out about data business rules, we might walk into a requirements workshop and ask about the cardinality and optionality, but we’d probably get some blank stares. However, we can translate those concepts into questions our SMEs can understand and answer. For example, we might ask if end-users can set up customers who don’t have any accounts. Or what information the end-users need to enter before they can leave the web page. I have always believed that translating technical concepts into business English, while annoying to some team members and technical whizzes, has always been worthwhile. It encourages us to focus on the business need rather than the technical solution.

Finally, let’s look at the intent of the communications. If we all understand each other and what we’re trying to say, then I believe we are communicating effectively, even if our grammar isn’t perfect or we don’t use the right words. And I believe that most stakeholders get that and won’t judge us harshly. However, for those stakeholders who want each “i” dotted, let’s proof our work. It will help build our credibility. The key is to know our stakeholders, but that’s a topic for a different day.

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Managing Your Boss

Most project managers have one. Yet attending to their demands and idiosyncrasies can be nerve-wracking. Wise project managers engage good boss management strategies. Boss support, guidance, mentoring and influence will be your reward.

After all, bosses are not exalted and invincible gods. They are human beings with special roles and authority as well as the requisite levels of human weaknesses, problems and pressures.

Under these demanding conditions, most boss relationships unfold in two possible directions: the 3Rs Resistance-Resentment-Revenge or the 3 Cs Clarity-Co-operation-Commitment.

The 3R cycle is characterized by ineffective communication. This causes levels of resentment. People expend valuable energies getting even. Such a work environment becomes destructive not only for individuals but for the entire organization.

On the other hand, the 3C cycle begins with people clarifying what is required. People cooperate and commit themselves to excellence. Personal self-esteem and group performance is enhanced.

Assess Leadership Style

Recognize leadership skills inherent in your own boss. This assists you to understand your boss better. You also benefit by becoming a better manager. The more effectively you manage subordinates, the more leverage you will command with your own boss. “To lead, one must follow” … Lau Tzu.

Leader #1: The Press Leader

These leaders pretend to be drill sergeants. Low self-esteem and a strong fear of failure drives them. They are impressed by outward displays of busyness rather than by results. The leader treats people as expeditors who obey orders. They tolerate no mistakes. Trivial details snare their energies and attention. They over-supervise and manage by punishment. Doing so squashes self-esteem amongst the ranks.

How to handle the press leader? Quickly discover on-the-job limits. Determine whether your boss is simply tough or ruthless. The tough leader precisely delegates authority balanced with appropriate responsibility. The ruthless one disregards human factors. If you choose to resist the press leader, do it privately, not within view of colleagues. This way your leader will not lose face.

Support your position with plenty of evidence. Otherwise, you lose.

Leader #2: The Laissez-Faire Leader

This leader abandons staff. These leaders provide little or no support in tough times. They stipulate little of what is expected of employees. They provide virtually no guidance on how to accomplish tasks. While the press leader may hover over an employee’s shoulder, this leader does nothing to train or guide. While the press leader over-manages, the default leader overlooks.

Managing The Laissez-Faire Leader: The individual who is self-motivated and needs little praise will work well under this type of leader. This leader craves facts such as costs, statistics and research findings. Provide these facts and figures for your boss, while at the same time try to stress some human elements. Encourage your boss to clarify exactly what is to be accomplished.

Leader #3: The Participatory Leader

The participatory leader is adept at communication procedures. Under this type of boss, employees are given precise feedback and recognition when deserved. The participatory leader strives to involve employees in the assessment process. He or she is inspirational and innovative. The participatory leader customizes the type and amount of feedback required for each employee.

Managing the participatory leader: The most effective way of dealing with the participatory leader is to feed back the same techniques that he or she uses with subordinates. Keep them informed of what does and does not work. Since this type of leader is interested in results, your opinions will be heeded.

Leader #4: The Develop Leader

This leader goes a step beyond the participatory leader. The develop leader fosters staff self-esteem, autonomy and competence. Techniques for success are isolated and taught to subordinates as the need arises. The develop leader empowers staff and nurtures a feeling of reverence, not in the boss, but in the employees themselves.

There is often a high staff turnover rate for employees of develop leaders. But it is a good one because it is upward. Because this type of leader creates such a high level of competence amongst the ranks, there is always someone to take over when someone moves up.

Both the develop and the participatory leader expect good performance from their subordinates. This expectation is communicated not only verbally but through a trusting working relationship that encourages autonomy.

Weaknesses and strengths exist within us all but being aware of the bosses can help manage the relationship on an on-going basis. Keep the below points in mind –

Boss Weaknesses

  • Lack of Training: Is your boss a whiz at finance, but uncomfortable dealing with human elements? Few managers score As on both task and people-oriented responsibilities.
  • Unclear purpose: Can your manager clearly define goals? A clearly understood purpose assists everyone to fulfil their roles.
  • Fear of rocking the boat: Does your boss resort to the familiar while stifling new ideas? Managers must adapt to changing values and needs.
  • Being a saviour: The boss who insists on expending valuable time and money to keep proven weak people afloat helps nobody. This boss ignores competent staff. At best, this approach postpones the inevitable dismissal day.
  • Having to be right: Even the most talented executive must be willing to make amends when they have been wrong.
  • Low compatibility: A manager must be willing and able to create alliances with peers, superiors and subordinates. Compatibility is mandatory in the executive suite.
  • Demanding agreement: Many bosses find it difficult to accept different points of view. Bosses should seek acceptance and assistance, not agreement.
  • Confusing efficiency and effectiveness: Efficient workers get things done quickly. Effective staff achieve the right goals. The two should be balanced, with priority going to effectiveness.

Boss Strengths

  • Causes agreement: Idea exchanges lead to the best possible solution. Everyone’s opinion is welcomed and valued.
  • Manages with continuity: Issues are discussed at regular intervals. This minimizes surprises and last-minute fire-fighting.
  • Matching people with work: An effective leader carefully considers not only work experience but personality traits when staffing an assignment.
  • Understands the job: A good leader will develop trusted, valuable employees who strive to contribute to the organization because they feel needed. The successful leader knows the way, shows the way and goes the way.
  • Respect feelings: Emotional needs of employees are recognized. Employees are offered a guiding hand when making decisions. They are not simply handed the solution.
  • Gives employees autonomy: Once a level of trust is attained, the more autonomy an employee can handle, the better the employee and organization will be.
  • Eliminates Boredom: Allows individuals to adapt the work to suit their needs, as long as the job gets done.
  • Seeks results, not methods: New methods to improve effectiveness should be sought, but not at the expense of results.
  • Employs positive feedback, not criticism: Focusing on the positive rather than the negative is a proven technique in affecting a desired change in behaviour. This boss “catches subordinates doing something right.” “A soft answer turneth away wrath” … Proverbs.
  • Combines co-operation with competition: Organizations, which encourage groups to be simultaneously co-operative and competitive, produce the greatest chances for success.

Follow these steps to keep the boss happy.

  1. Learn what your boss expects and values.
  2. Strive for high-quality results.
  3. Solve as many problems as possible without the help of your boss.
  4. Keep your boss informed.
  5. Be your strongest critic.
  6. Get regular feedback from your boss.
  7. Differ with your boss only in private.
  8. Save money and earn revenue.
  9. Be a good leader yourself.
  10. Promote only valuable ideas.

Your boss is not interested in the storms you encountered, but whether you brought in the ship.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Harry B. Mingail combines a Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Business Analyst Professional (CBAP), Mathematics/Computer Science and Business Administration designations with 25 years of BA, PM and management consulting as well delivery of webinars, workshops, mentoring and keynotes. 

Deliver Project Results by Engaging Employees

FeatureAug10In today’s new normal business environment, sales are lackluster, cash is tight and material prices are squeezing margins.  Thus, those projects which will increase sales, reduce costs and/or improve customer service levels/ loyalty are quickly becoming #1 priority within the organization.  The companies who can deliver project results consistently will succeed.  And those who can accelerate the results while maintaining the quality of results will have the opportunity to leave the competition in the dust.  

What is the secret to success?  Engaged employees!  Have you noticed that those organizations with engaged employees not only perform better than the competition but attract top talent?  What could be more important in the new normal but to have engaged employees leading your projects – and to have access to top talent during the timeframe when long-standing talent is leaving the workforce as the baby boom generation begins to retire?

So, what are a few strategies to effectively engage employees?  The top three include:  1) A compelling vision.  2) Translate the vision into individual goals.  3) Become a feedback fanatic.

  1. A compelling vision – Engaging employees must begin with a compelling vision.  Although a paycheck is required, it is by no means a motivator.  So, what motivates employees to engage beyond the minimum requirements of their job or latest project?  It begins with the vision. 

For example, does the company help improve the human condition in some respect?  If you work for an adult diaper manufacturer, could the diaper you produce or ship more efficiently be delivered to your grandmother?  Or, if you work in aerospace, does your project somehow contribute to the successful flight of an F-17?  However, even if the vision is compelling, it is useless if not communicated effectively.

Of course, there will be industries that seem less obvious in terms of benefits yet there is always a reason for being in business – find out and make sure to communicate it.  Your employees want to be involved with a company and a project team that is going somewhere and provides value.  Begin with a clear and well-articulated vision.

  1. Translate the vision into individual goals – Once the vision is in place and communicated, employees will feel better about where they work but will not be engaged.  The next critical strategy is to translate the vision into individual goals.  This is much easier said than done – leadership is vital to success. 

It is not always obvious how each person on the project team can contribute to the vision yet this is where the “rubber meets the road”.  Begin at the high level as it’s always easier to tie the vision to high level objectives.  Expand from there.  Dig into how each person’s core responsibilities can affect the next level objectives.  There has to be a purpose for your project; otherwise, you should stop doing it.  Then, similar to the vision, it is useless if not communicated.  Make sure each person understands how he adds value and contributes to the vision.

  1. Become a feedback fanatic – As simple as this sounds, providing feedback rarely occurs.  The best practice for providing feedback is to give consistent and immediate feedback – both positive and constructive.  Do not wait for the end of the project or the annual performance review!  Who remembers so far into the future?  No one.

Be visible and proactive.  Look for opportunities to provide positive feedback.  Amazingly, I’ve yet to find an example where well-thought out and specific positive feedback doesn’t motivate employees more than a raise or bonus.  Don’t forget to say thank you!  Simple yet often missed.  And, do not put off constructive feedback.  Be respectful and collaborate with the employee on how to improve.  Sometimes constructive feedback can motivate more than positive feedback as the employee understands you are invested in his success.

Engaged employees will deliver dramatic project results.  Have you ever seen unhappy employees deliver exceptional customer service?  It requires zero capital investment yet can have a profound impact.  Give the top three strategies a try, and watch your employees become engaged.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

10 Key Success Factors for Application Implementation Projects

There are many factors in an application implementation-related project that over time have proved to be key contributors to the success of such projects.  This includes items that may seem obvious, such as solid testing, communication, and involvement by key staff members, but these are often under utilized in favor of saving time.  When projects skimp on these key items, it is likely to result in:

  • delays in meeting project dates,
  • disagreements on what the project is expected to deliver,
  • difficulty solving issues,
  • confusion on direction, work requirements, and status of the project,
  • lack of buy-in from team members and the end users,
  • additional stress and demands on the time of team members and end users, particularly near the end of the project,
  • less satisfaction from the client on the final delivered product.

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Many types of documents, templates, tools, and strategies exist for managing a project.  This article will focus on 10 items that represent supported concepts in the project management industry and should, at minimum, be utilized for all significant application implementation projects. 

Related Article: A Project Manager’s Guide to User Experience

1. Solid contract with software provider

A verbal agreement won’t cut the paper it’s written on. Get it in writing! If a contract is already completed and these items have not been included, you should work with your vendor to reach agreement on these terms.  Additionally, you should work with your organization to see that these items are included in future contracts. 

The components that you will want to have well defined are:

1. a payment schedule,

2. outline system performance criteria,

3. penalties related to performance issues and delivery delays,

4. documentation requirements,

5. training, which is provided,

6. inclusion of a test system, and possibly a training system,

7. issue resolution/turnaround time/escalation policy,

8. and vendor support during and after the application live event.

Having these items defined contractually is an assist to the project manager.  It will provide you with agreed-upon criteria allowing you the leverage to hold your vendors accountable to their deliverables. 

2. Involvement by key staff and resources

The organizational structure of those involved in the project is a significant indication of the success of a project and is one of the first things you want to have in place to start the project.

Make sure to have a:

  • Project Sponsor. 

This person should be a senior manager head of the Steering Committee.  They will be the source who authorizes the project, ultimately ‘owns’ the project, and sources the funding for the project. They would not and should not be a member of the project team. 

  • Leadership Committee. 

This leadership committee is responsible for following the status of the project, representing the project to their peers and senior management, and assuring all of the appropriate parties are involved.  This group will make any decisions that the team cannot determine, they will assist rectifying business issues and with escalation of problems including to vendors or internal staffing. Use these people!  They are there for you.

  •  Project Team. 

These are the folks that are performing the work for the project. You may have several teams, or workgroups, with different focuses.   

  • Project Manager. 

Hey!  This is probably you! The Project Manager is responsible for overseeing that the work is getting completed as expected on schedule.  They manage any deviation from the scope or schedule to get the project back on track.  They are generally responsible for planning and often own and complete the project documents (such as the scope, staffing plan).

Additionally, consider the following while staffing the project team:

  • Be certain to include individuals who know the business.  If there are different aspects of the business involved in the project, include a representative from each of these areas.  These individuals will often serve the most benefit as project team members who are active in identifying processes, business needs, and performing testing and training. 
  • Consider a ‘superuser’ strategy.  This works well where individuals are identified early on in the project to serve as business/application experts.  They may be those who perform testing and training as well as first line support for end users.  These users can often serve as project team members.
  • A Project Staffing Plan should be completed to include the names of the individuals involved, the committee or teams that they are serving on, and the roles and responsibilities of those individuals and teams.  All team members, and their managers, should approve this plan so there is agreement on the expectations. 

3. Plan how the project will be managed

Create and share a Project Management Plan that will document how the project will be managed.  This should be agreed upon with the resources and management.

  • Document how changes will be handled, especially those that impact the scope, dates, budget, or resources.
  • Document how issues will be managed and escalated.
  • State how the schedule will be managed.
  • Include all methods of communications that will be used for the project.           
  • Once you review this with the team, you will likely be the sole audience for it.  Really, it’s not that entertaining and you shouldn’t expect others to be interested in it.  However, you will utilize the content to guide how various aspects of the project are to be managed and you may also refer to it if a deviation occurs where you need to reference the agreed-upon terms.

4. Define and agree upon the project scope

Write a project Scope, state what is and what is not included in the project. 

  • Document deliverables and assumptions.
  • Refer to any requirements that were gathered.  If no requirements were gathered, meet with stakeholders across the board to determine their requirements so that expectations can be documented and agreed upon.
  • Include Milestones, which are significant events, with their due dates.  Remember that “TBD” is not a date!
  • All project team members should understand the scope.
  • It is important to get formal approval from the Steering Committee on the scope before the project execution phases begin. 

5. Development and management of a schedule

A Schedule is the central tool to managing a project’s activities and keeping on track.

  • Develop a schedule that documents the tasks that need to be done to complete all of the deliverables outlined in the scope. 
  • Be sure to include dependencies, but not the work associated with those dependencies, on items that are outside the scope of the project.
  • Assign names and due dates to each task.  Does that seem obvious?  While it is probably obvious, it is not always done.  Oh, “TBD” is not a person either!
  • Items that risk a delay should be done as early as possible.  This may include such things as ordering hardware or scheduling training.
  • Highlight tasks that are milestones from the Scope. This will allow better tracking and reporting of those milestones.
  • Note items that are on the critical path (these are tasks that if delayed will delay the rest of the project).  Special attention should be paid to these tasks to keep the project on time.

6. Management of an Issues List

Having one central repository to log issues is invaluable. 

  • Each issue should include a clear description, name of who is assigned to own/resolve the issue, a due date, status, and priority.  If an issue is being resolved by someone who is not on the team, it should be assigned to a team member who is responsible for tracking the issue.  Another note, “ASAP” is not a date!  Your ‘soon’ and someone else’s ‘soon’ can be two entirely different times!
  • “High” priority should be reserved for those issues that, if not resolved, could impact the stability of the application, the integrity of the data, or completion dates of critical tasks and events. 
  • Track issues actively (daily or weekly).  Include new ones as soon as they arise.  Log updates to each issue as they become known. 
  • Document issues even if they are likely to be easily solved.  Those tend to be the ones that get away and should not be ignored.
  • Share the issues list with the entire project team; get updates regularly from the owners of the issues as well as team members who may have items to add.

7. Solid Testing

Testing is critical to understand how the application will work in the installed environment, if it performs according to expectations, and to identify any problems with the software or processes so they are addressed prior to the live event.

  • Document what type of testing must be done (i.e., database conversion, data flows, user front end, business flow).  Include who will be involved in testing and how it will be performed. 
  • Write Test Scripts that detail all scenarios that could occur.  Business end users should be involved in this as they are most likely to understand all aspects of their business. 
  • Test items that are standard operations as well as those items that occur infrequently.
  • Conduct user testing with staff members who are familiar with the business for which the application is designed.  They should be validating the application for their business.
  • Allow time in the schedule to retest anything that did not work initially.  If any changes are made to software or setup, run through most tests again to assure there is no negative impact in other areas.
  • Determine security access, setup, and test user accounts prior to live.

 8. Training Program

Proper training is essential to assure that end users are prepared to use the application.

  • Identify all users early on in the project; this will help to confirm all possible scenarios are covered and all users are part of the project communication.
  • Training will be optimized, and sessions better received, if individuals who will have similar use of the application are trained together. Also, if there are users who are not familiar with computer systems, consider holding a general knowledge training first.
  • If the possibility exists, allow the users to have access to the test or training system before the live so they can practice.  Consider providing practice scenarios for this occasion.
  • Create a Tip Sheet that is easy to read and highlights the top items a user would need to know.  This can be useful for the live as well.

9. Preparation for Live Event

A review of all deliverables and tasks should occur weeks before the system is ready for production use. 

  • Anyone involved in the project should verify that all tasks are completed, or will be completed as scheduled, for the live event. 
  • Issues should be scrutinized at this time so a decision can be made regarding their potential impact to the live.
  • Assign staff who have a good understanding of the application and business to assist users during the first days of production use.  Establish a central call number that is staffed with individuals who can track, solve, or escalate issues.

10. Communication

Communication is one of the key items recognized as leading to a successful project.  It should also be noted that in projects experiencing problems, communication is often reported as lacking.  So last, but certainly not least, are tips to improve this valuable activity.

  • Keep committees and teams informed.  The Steering Committee should be meeting at least once a month. The agenda should include a review of an up-to-date status report and focus on any issues or concerns with dates or deliverables. This committee should not be concerned with the work outlined in the schedule, but rather the higher-level milestones.  The same holds true with issues.  Only review high-priority issues that may have a negative impact on the project and not the entire issues list.
  • Team meetings should occur weekly or as needed.  Even a short conference call meeting can be effective to get everyone together. Those involved will have an opportunity to state something that may otherwise be overlooked. Status on the work being completed can be shared with all team members to assure everyone is in line with what is expected.
  • Monthly or weekly Status Reports should be completed and shared with all involved individuals.  The status report should include: status of milestones, recent work completed, what work is to occur next, high-priority issues, and changes to budget, scope, schedule, or resources.  This should not be a detailed account of activities but rather a summary.
  • Users should be informed of the progress of the project as it evolves.  Try to present them with demonstrations of the application in advance.  Distributing emails or newsletters are a good way to get information out and often receives a positive response.  End users do not need to know about problems, but the more they are involved with the status of the project, the more they will accept the change.
  • Remember that communication is vital to the success of a project.  It allows for establishing expectations and keeping everyone informed.  Only provide recipients with information they require and do not burden them with excessive details.  Different audiences may require different formats or content.        

Consider the above items when approaching your next project.  Although this article describes some instances specific to application-related projects, most strategies will be valuable to any project.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Brenda Hallman has over 15 years of experience in project management, most recently in the Project Management Office at Main Line Health where she is responsible for standards, tools, mentoring, education, and program development for project management staff.  Ms. Hallman has a Bachelors of Science Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from Edinboro University, a Masters Degree in Business from Penn State University, and a Masters Certification in Project Management from Villanova University.  She has worked in the information services arena initially in software development and later in project management.  She is PMP certified.

Agility is Essential but Process is Not

FEATUREJuly201A recent response to a blog post said that “agility is essential but process is not.”

Let’s be clear about the relationship between process and agility. There is always a process — a set of steps to accomplish something. Agility is an attribute of process.

A process may be agile or rigid to one degree or another, more or less heavy or light, defined or not, effective or ineffective.

Agility is Necessary

A process that is agile is more likely to be effective than one that is rigid, particularly when what is being done is complex and subject to change. Why? Because the ability to adapt is necessary if objectives are to be met and people’s expectations are to be satisfied, especially in a volatile environment in which there is uncertainty about requirements. 

For example, if you are trying to create a web site to satisfy the needs of an organization, attempting to document all the requirements fully before beginning the development is often not an effective approach. If an IT process is followed so that requirements documents must be completed in great detail and accepted, and every change thereafter must go through a formal change control process, there is high probability that the client will be frustrated as will the project team. Why would anyone follow such a process? Because they are codified and institutionalized; they are the rules.

Agility in this case would enable developers to work directly with clients who can make decisions about functionality and format as the site is being built. Functionality would evolve as the site is delivered and put to use.

Process is Necessary

Agility without a well-defined and effective process is chaos. It risks shortsightedness — creating a product that is not easily enhanced, for example.

In the case of the website, one aspect of process is the decision-making as to whether the project should be undertaken and how it should be managed; whether to use an Agile approach, how to capture performance data (e.g., the number of hours worked on components) and report on progress, and what kind of documentation is needed.

Other aspects are the way requirements and changes are to be handled, how design constraints and reviews are to be done, who will do testing and how they will do it.

Further, a process for product planning is needed to provide, in broad brush strokes, a road map of where the development is headed.

Maintaining the Right Balance

The notion that Agile approaches are without process is just plain wrong. If you analyze a methodology like Scrum, you can clearly see that there are role definitions, prescribed techniques, tool utilization and more. These add up to a defined process.

The Right Balance

The trick is to be able to strike the right balance. The process needs to include a clear understanding of where, when and how to change the process.

If change can take place on the fly, decided by the performers themselves at the team level, then the process is highly flexible. But for this to work in an organization, there must be standards and policies to guide and constrain the change. There must be well-trained and relatively clever performers who take responsibility for their actions and recognize the need to address both short-term and long-term objectives.

Not every team or individual has the wisdom to do the right thing. Some are so focused on the needs of the moment that they make decisions that restrict future growth and sub-optimize the overall process or program that the project is part of.

It’s like the old Zen parable about keeping horses. Give them unconstrained space and they’ll wander away. Put them in too tight a pen and they’ll kick their way out or get so still that their muscles will become weak and they won’t be of much use. Put them in a large enough controlled space and they’ll be happy and healthy. When they get to the fence, they’ll turn in another direction because there is no need to jump the fence.

The point is that we need constraints and defined processes but they must add value to both the project and the broader context of which the project is a part of. We need an effective, flexible process that gives people the ability to adapt to the needs of the current situation while adhering to best practices and coordinating within the bigger picture.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.